I made a window in roblox,
But it looks odd to me.
Any feedback to make it look better?
The wood grain is facing the wrong way on the vertical parts.
It looks the frame is flush with the wall, which is a bit odd.
I’d so for number two for now.
This is what I mean by using proper wood grain.
The frame seems a bit busy. Try pushing out the vertical planks out more and making the horizontal center plank thinner.
Okay I understand the grain now,
Is this better?
Almost there. Now just fix the wood grain on the vertical inner frame parts.
maybe try making the glass part material into glass, a bit darker with reflectance, maybe make the frames slightly more brown?
accidentally hit the reply and someone.
Okay, it this better?
It made it look a bit better, thank you
You can also add a Image or SurfaceGui of a White Canvas, Change the ImageColor to black then, make it transparent to add a tint at can only be seen on the outside
For SurfaceGui:
Size: {1,0}, {1,0}
Transparency: 0.4 - 0.95
Colour: (0,0,0)
I added transparent a decal of white and got a good result, thanks!
(bottom is none)