Wings of Fire - Seven Thrones | Player’s Guide

Hello and welcome to Wings of Fire - Seven Thrones! This is a dragon pvp survival game. Whether you want to become the strongest player, a formidable dragon assassin, the richest player, or simply want to cause chaos, it’s up to you!

Playing as the tribe of your choice you will try to survive in this beautiful yet unforgiving land. To do so you will have to eat/drink and level up your dragon. The world has many secrets for you to discover. These will help you to obtain powerful weapons and tools that will be necessary if you wish to prevail in combat with other players.

Here we have prepared a basic guide to help get you going!

The Beginning is at the Beginning

When you first open up the game you will be met with this screen:

Each gemstone at the bottom represents a different dragon tribe. Not only do these dragons differ in appearance, but they each start out with a unique ability. Here they are in order (left to right):

-Faster fly speed
-Reduced attack damage
-Night vision
-Increased damage at night
-Increased swim speed
-Increased oxygen
-increased bite attack damage
-Cold resistance
-Chance of inflicting freezing
-Chance of inflicting poison
-Heat resistance
-Chance of inflicting overheating
-Heals teammates that are near when in a party
-Increased defence

To create a character it is as simple as selecting one of the following gems and clicking ‘New.’ Once you have a character you can customize its colours, rename it, delete…etc. When you are ready click ‘play,’ and so your adventure begins…



WASD - The base for all moving
Space - Jump
F - Fly
F (while flying)- Toggle glide on/off
SHIFT (during any motion) - Sprint/fast fly

Landing: Either glide to the ground or fly slowly at the ground. (You cannot land if you are going too fast!)


Q(hold) - Eat/Drink

Note: You must be in a near proximity of the water or food you wish to consume.


There are 2 different types of attack in this game. A range attack (fire) and a close-combat attack (bite).

R(hold) - Breath fire
LeftClick - Bite

To heal when you have been damaged you will have to lie down (unless you have an item to assist you, more on items later)

V - LieDown

*Tip: Lie down and all emotes are toggle keys (You don’t hold the key down. Press to enter an action and press to exit an action)


G - Sit
B - Bow
Z - Dominance


E - Open/close inventory
E - Exit shop menu
LeftClick - Pick Up Item
LeftClick(OnChest) - Open Chest
LeftClick(OnNPC) - Interact
LeftClick(OnOre) - Mine (Must have a pickaxe equipped)

Bottom Right GUI

Experience Bar: As you gain XP your bar will fill up. Once you get a full bar you will see a +10 SP (Skill Points) appear on it and fade out (potentially a higher number if your bar fills more than once very fast).
For more about XP visit its section (Skills).

Hunger: By default this bar will go down at a steady rate over time, but if you are moving fast or are cold it will go down faster. Another way it could be impacted is through an item. Make sure to eat meat to survive (See. Basic survival for more info). If your hunger runs out you will take damage.

Thirst: Opposite of hunger, you will get thirsty faster if you are hot. When this bar is close to empty your screen will start to blur and it will worsen over time. Eventually you will take damage too.

Oxygen: When underwater your thirst bar becomes an oxygen bar. This bar will decline when you are submerged. Tip: Your thirst bar will slowly fill up while you are underwater, but you won’t see this change until you surface.

Temperature: You become hotter in the Sand kingdom and colder in the Ice kingdom. When either a fire/snowflake appears on your temperature dial you will start taking damage. It’s up to you to find ways to heat up/cool down within a given kingdom.

Fun fact: Temperature is also affected by time of day. For instance, the Desert is at its hottest at noon, and the Arctic is at its coldest at midnight.


Inventory basics:

This GUI is split into 3 sections. By default it opens your inventory. This is where your items are managed. The other two tabs are Party and Skills (more on them later).

In the inventory you may notice the top 4 squares are coloured differently than the rest. This is your equip bar. Items placed in here become active. The vast majority of items must be equipped to have effect. The only time it wouldn’t need to be is if it’s specifically stated in the item’s description.

The rest of the squares are for Items you carry on you. There are 2 pages in the inventory. Each page has 16 slots and there are 32 in total. (For more item storage info see. The Market)

General Controls in the inventory (for those who know minecraft it is similar):

-Left click to pick up item & move it
-Left click to place item back
-Right click on item stack to pick up half
-Right click (while holding an item stack) to place one
-Left click (while holding item) on a slot containing another item to have them switch
-Left click outside inventory to drop item (if holding a stack it drops all)
-Right click outside inventory to drop item (if holding a stack it drops one)

Changing pages: Click on the arrow located on the bottom left/right on the inventory (depending on which page you’re on) to switch. To move an item from one page to another, pick it up and while holding it Left click on the page arrow.

Other inventory features:

Question Mark Button (located near bottom center): When toggled this button enables an item’s basic information to be viewed when hovering over it.

Book Button (located bottom center): Clicking this will open up the item list. Here you find your portable item guide. This shows more in-depth information about items you have, and you can also view items you do not own.


The party tab is where the teamwork aspect of the game really shines.

Once you create a party, to invite other players hit the ‘invite’ button. This will open up the player list (located at the top right of the screen). From here you can choose which players to send a request to. On the receiving end of a party invite, you will get a notification where you can accept or decline the request.
In a party damage your teammates do to one another is reduced. There are items that can improve upon this when obtained, as well as other aspects of the party.


As you gain experience, you will receive Skill Points. (1 full experience bar = 10 Skill Points)

You can spend Skill Points to upgrade the following categories: Weapons, Armor, Movement, and intelligence.

Leveling up the categories alone does not affect your dragon’s stats. Instead, they allow you to use items for such purposes. For instance, a sword may require Weapons lvl 3. In general the stronger the weapon the more lvls it will require. Some items may refer to your Overall Level which is calculated based on how much XP you have gained in total. The max lvl for each category is 10.

There are many ways to get XP. Some of the main sources being: Killing a dragon, discovering a Village/Palace, opening a chest, mining, completing a puzzle…and so on.

If you die you lose (drop) some XP and unspent skill points.


If you’re out to be the most powerful or richest dragon, you’re at the right section. Items can range from a powerful sword, to a talisman that will allow you to track a player from afar.

In the beginning you will have to scavenge the land to find things you can use to trade in for basic equipment, then gradually upgrade your tools from there. Unless, of course, you are confident in your abilities to take down another dragon that may have some rare gear on them.

The most common ways items are obtained are: Through pvp, trading in the market, mining, chests, finding them in nature, and solving puzzles.

To pick up an item on the ground simply Left click it. Some items (like gold) will auto pickup when your dragon comes in contact with it.

Note: Items do not show on dragons. Anything visible that a dragon wears is an accessory. Accessories do not boost a dragon’s abilities in any way, they are just visuals and can only be obtained in the Shop (located on the character selection menu).


PVP is one method of gaining experience and items in the game. When you slay another dragon (or assist in slaying), you automatically gain some of the experience they lose. In addition, they may drop items and experience balls to the ground which you may collect.

There are two types of attack in this game. Close combat (bite - left click) and range (fire - hold R). There are items that increase the attack strength (weapons), and items that improve your defence (armor). If your health bar reaches 0, you will die and then respawn in a few seconds at a different location.

When you die, you lose/drop some experience, and possibly some items. You do not lose everything in your inventory. If you are a low level dragon you can only lose low level items. Higher level dragons can lose higher level items. However, rare/special/expensive and equipped items will not drop.

The amount of experience you may lose also depends on your level and unspent skill points. You will never lose skill points that have been used to upgrade a category, however, you may lose a small portion of unspent skill points. Thus, higher level dragons are much more likely to drop larger amounts of XP than low level dragons.

The Market

The market has a few vital functions in this game. These include: buying and selling items, trading with other players, and storage for your items. Inside every tribe’s village there is a market entrance.

The chests that line the back wall are storage chests. They are individual to each player, and anything you put inside can only be accessed by you. Items put in here will remain safe if you are to fall in battle.

NPCs lined along the walls can be interacted with (Left click) to open up the shop. Here you can trade for, or sell, items. Clicking on an item’s icon will reveal more information about it.

While Gold is the in-game currency, not all items can be bought or sold for gold. Some things that can be sold are shards and gems.

In the market area, you can perform secure trades with other players. To initiate a secure trade with another player you must be in near proximity to them. A “Trade” prompt will appear. Press T or click on the popup above them to send a trade request. The player must click ‘Accept’ for the trade to begin. Once doing so, the trade screen will appear. Here you can see your inventory (which includes items as well as accessories you own), a private chat box (only for you and the player you trade with), and an area in the middle to view what you give & receive. While trading you can choose to reveal your inventory, this will display it for the other player.

Fun fact: The market is a PvP safe zone

Basic Survival

This is the final advice that will be given before you go free and discover the secrets this game holds.

As a new dragon it is recommended you get a few things sorted out before charging into battle. First off, thirst and hunger.

Thirst is pretty trivial, to drink you stand beside any body of water and press Q(hold). Take note that you are not too far away or in the water- because you will not be able to drink.

Hunger is slightly more of a challenge. Dragon Meat is the diet of your dragon. Unlike drinking, an ‘eat’ prompt will appear when you are in range of the meat. If the meat is in your inventory you will need to drop a piece onto the ground to eat it. Dragon Meat can be obtained through slaying a dragon, a chest, or finding it in the wilderness.

To get you going with obtaining gear you will need to hunt for the most basic items. Sticks and stones are both common, and open up possibilities to work your way up the chain of items. These are commonly found in the wilderness and chests.

Tip: Every kingdom has a mine. Ores can be found within these mines and can be farmed to get the necessary materials to trade in for better weapons.


-The Wings of Steel team