For better understanding, when I refer to ping, I mean Latency, which is defined as “the delay before a transfer of data begins following an instruction for its transfer.” Which is typically measured in milliseconds.
Many games I join, I typically have ping from 100ms-300ms. So with this in mind, is it worth creating something that would need fast reactions to counteract. An example would be trying to block or parry attacks in games such as For Honor. In this, your input is very reliant on your reaction speed to your opponent’s actions. However, having that delay in input can dramatically change how players view the game and if they want to continue playing. I know for myself, ping over 100 in games such as League of Legends can create really poor interaction.
I know many players just deal with the ping and carry on, but I was wondering if anyone has had any complaints about latency on Roblox, or ways to counteract it, such as basing actions on what happens client-side rather than server-side? Should it be considered by who’s attacking or by who’s defending? Should the priority be based on who has the higher ping to help?