Thank you for flagging this issue. Our engineers are investigating ongoing issues with the platform.
We will continue updating the with live updates.
@DevPig Thanks for sharing! Do you have a link to the experience where you’re seeing these errors? Also, could you provide details on which feature in the experience is currently causing issues on your end?
I’ve never been in a server that’s had this error to investigate its behavior, but I believe it affects games’ ability to process microtransactions through Developer Products, possibly making ProcessReceipt not functional for a period of time.
If you guys fixed the other issues with datastores and such, I’m going to presume this issue has been fixed as well. The issue is I can’t confirm this yet because the error reporting page isn’t yet showing the data from after the outage was resolved.
@bvetterdays Possible to share a link to the experience and the specific new error messages you are seeing? Our team will check it out.
On our end, we connected with @DevPig and let him know the error should no longer display if you narrow down the error from 1 day ago to 1 hour window.
Just checked this, and the same applies to my experiences - seems to have been fixed!
This issue was happening across all of my experiences, but for reference, here’s one that was affected if you still need it: 🐟Ultimate Fishing Simulator - Roblox