Feedback / ideas?
Two of my favorite games, great combo.
Hello, I noticed that the camera is positioned very close to the wall, creating the impression that the player is running along the wall with their head rather than their feet. Is this intentional, or is it an unintended issue?
it is intentional i could change it if it creates confusion
Yeah, personally, it would confuse me a bit-definitely an unusual choice. But I think it’d be worth gathering feedback from players or testers if the game is still in development.
You should tilt away from the wall in first person
In both examples, the person’s camera would be facing away from the wall (assuming the character does tilt away from it)
This looks much better, in my opinion. Fantastic job! You can keep it just like this!
dang it im almost done with my Parkour/fps inspired by karlson game, my next dimension was gonna be just like this. Anyways very well made amazing!
One question: did u solo develop it if so, how long did it tke?
ive been working on and off on it for a year
Same actually 1.1 years 2 hrs day