World Origin Shifting?

So I just noticed recently that transform box was added to parts, I was unable to find the topic of this update, a link to that post would be great if anyone is able to find it.


Would world origin shifting be possible with this if there are multiple parts, while also maintaining stable FPS count?


It’s like an AnchorPoint, but for 3d objects:

I think not because seeing and editing it is only in Studio and the scripts cannot edit or see it.


Alright thanks, will try to find best info I can if script access is possible.

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Forget the last, I think if you can according to this:

The API for pivot point comes in the form of two methods and two properties.

The two methods represent the primary way that you will interact with object pivots in your game code:

  • GetPivot() lets you query the current world space location of an object’s pivot as a CFrame. This provides an uniform way to get a physical object’s position in 3d space regardless of whether it’s an individual part or a model.
  • PivotTo(targetCFrame) lets you move the object, such that its pivot is now located exactly at a target CFrame. This provides a uniform object movement API that applies to both individual parts and models. If you’re already familiar with SetPrimaryPartCFrame , this works very similarly to that, only operating on parts as well as models, and operating on the pivot instead of the PrimaryPart, giving you more freedom over what point is being transformed.

It would be easier with models.

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Calling the new :PivotTo API like workspace:PivotTo(workspace:GetPivot() * offsetCFrame) is the most efficient existing way to shift the whole place, however it’s still not a particularly viable method for part-heavy places because it still has to individually move each part.


Interesting, thanks for this info.