WorldModel Is Now Available

Cant you just rename the Dummy to spaces that should at least remove the name.

ViewportFrame[“ “] is clunky, unclear, and impossible if you have multiple NPCs. You should focus on writing neat code and using Roblox’s own functions for hiding a humanoid name.

Thats true I really didn’t think about that especially when creating more than 1 npcs.

Was able to successfully use WorldModel to animate NPCs in my GUI. Thank you guys! Prior to this I was using a script to mirror animations into ViewportFrame by copying the CFrame of an animating NPC (outside of ViewportFrame) and pasting it to an NPC in ViewPortFrame frame-by-frame, part-by-part. Definitely less than ideal!


I can finally make a better portal


thanks, i was looking for how to modify the C0 and C1 for welds on fake arms for a fps. and this is the solution. Love it

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this is great tbh, was waiting for some sort of support for animations lol.

Off Topic: How come we aren’t allowing multiple workspace cameras though?


So your saying that now we can add Humanoid characters in a new instance that’s part of ViewPortFrames, which means we can now make frames similar to the animated minifigure character icons from the LEGO games!?

And if so, this is incredible, as I’ve always dreamed of this feature being implemented and will also attempt to incorporate this in some of my own games!

Lots of new possibilities, very epic.

This is causing my entire game to crash. Just converted a regular Viewport frame to have a WorldModel, and it works fine. Then if someone leaves, the entire server sets on fire. The server totally hangs and everyone instantly disconnects. It is 100% the WorldModel object, having it present is the only thing which matters.

Caused major delays to my update. There is just a humanoid dressed up with 4 animations loaded on him


I’ve been using WorldModels for months without any issue, specifically for the purpose of animating characters in UI. Were there any possible parts of the code that was handling the WorldModels that could have been causing the crashes? I don’t think that this issue is consistent with all WorldModels., and this is the first time I’ve heard of it.

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