"Write Marshalled" lag spikes in microprofiler

Here’s a profiler dump

This is causing all sorts of lag spikes and it appears to call “attemptTranslation” and “Text Shaping+Layout” over and over and over again. We use custom localization, and We only use Localization service for RobloxLocaleId, so that’s why we assume this must be an engine bug? Any insight into what this could be?

Like here it’s apparently taking 84 ms


This is probably from SettingsHub. Labels in older frames don’t show. Here are my screenshots that look almost identical but show the script name:

I’ve previously seen this whenever there was a lot printing to the output. I think instead of making new labels, the dev console just changes the text and color of existing labels, which causes text layout and localization to have to run for over one hundred labels.

Evidence contributing to this factor is that if I join the game (same as the one ColdSmoke was in) and don’t open the dev console then I don’t see these lag spikes. I also had reasonable performance on my phone until I opened up the dev console.

In this game, both me and ColdSmoke have access to the server console log, and the server console log is near-constantly printing out that it has saved a player’s data.

Some more screenshots

(SettingsHub bar is hidden because I’ve zoomed in so much. This shows up over-and-over under SettingsHub.)





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I’ve been experiencing this too, this is a massive annoyance and I’m getting extremely irritated with how it’s not been fixed yet.

It’s been reported for over a year:



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I’ve basically given up reporting this. Over the past 2 years, I’ve mentioned this 3 times. Never been fixed.


Hey, very late reply, however I encountered this bug with my new skinned mesh character which I added around 1 week ago.


This appears for some time in microprofiler and then it goes away and never comes back. It takes around 40 ms so it consumes lots of resources and drops the FPS by quite a lot.

If more info is needed, I can provide them, as well as this specific character model.