Writing an FPS framework, part 2 (2020)

How would I switch it from ‘R6’ to R15? Really useful tutorial, would just appreciate it if you could answer my question :slight_smile:

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switch to r15 startercharacters and work your way up from there


By that you mean set the game to R15 only?

Edit: Sorry. I am very new to programming so I’m sorry if these questions seem obvious. I’m a huge fan of the progress on your game so I was trying to make my own FP framework for future projects :slight_smile:

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whats the easiest way to implement no teamkilling, im not really sure where to start

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in the server code replace anything with torso with HumanoidRootPart or UpperTorso

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Will do :+1:

Any other suggestions before I work on this?

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ur r6 animations will break when converting to r15 so i suggest changing them before u convert them

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check player teams wherever your own code deals damage
(please tell me you wrote your own server hit security?)

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How do you do that?

sorry for idiot question

i sure didnt, ive never tried to use or program anything even remotely this complicated and did not realize i would need to rewrite any checks.

Is there a good way to make a way like a loadout. Like make it where you can switch your default gun.

cough server defaultWeapons table cough


sorry if i am skipping this tutorial but i just wanted to know how to make a bullet system but the problem is i dont understand what you mean by this :

must we need to put another module and why the three dot in the script is it becuz its a continous script :thinking:

read the tutorial, use the roblox raycasting gun tutorial, or edit the fastCast gun example
i also have no idea what you’r e talking about outside of the “sorry if i am skipping this tutorial”

i mean that i didnt read the full tutorial and went directly to how to make the bullet system

well the fastcast module is easily separated from the guns with the finished product but the tutorial doesn’t cover that alone

How do I use in game CSG with the bullets (to make bullet holes), and the bullets can pass certain materials such as plastic, and wood?

CSG is an awful way to do bullet holes; it’s server-only. penetration is supported by the latest fastcast version. I will feature a method when I get around to updating the tutorial.


sorry to bother you… but I would still like to know a way to use CSG with bullet holes…I’m making a FPS with destructible walls and stuff. so I want people to be able to see through a bullet hole that was made.

use voxel destruction combined with a greedy mesh algorithm (best solution from what i’ve seen), use fragmented meshes, or find an appropiate tutorial. I have no idea but all I know is that the CSG API is slow and basically unusable if you’re firing a lot of bullets at an object.

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