Writing an FPS framework, part 2 (2020)

Really nice tutorial, helped me a lot in understanding how FPS Systems work. Thank you for making this.

i would like to report a potential bug? (although this might’ve been fixed in a newer version of the framework, i used an older version back then to make my edits to it and im not getting the newest version of the framework and having to use up another year to make all my edits again)

while testing kill notifications, i saw that somtimes my friends would kill an npc / another one of my friends, and i would get the kill. i deduced the problem down to potentially being that the replicated bullets (the ones that you fire to show the bullets of other clients) being the issue. i’m not sure how i should fix this, especially since i use the newer version of fast cast, so im not cloning the bullets at all. do you have any idea on how i should fix this

Sorry to bother, but I would just like to ask

I have been having these errors when I unequipped my weapon it equips itself back again and when I checked there are no errors. I have no idea how to fix this.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Edit : I already fixed it, I have a lot of typos

I am wondering, how can I make yourself automatically equip the gun when joining the game without to hit 1

You can just detect if the current weapon index is 1 and if it is equip it

I am not much of a scripter, how can I do it?

You should look in the loop for setting up weapons. and it should look something like

for i, weaponName in pairs(weapons) do
    --equip functions should be here, i'm not including it
    if i == 1 then

Where is it located at? I have no idea where is it

Sorry, i only get here to get the idea of the communication between server and the client
The player shot, and send the server the start of the bullet and the direction, simulates the visual bullet by itself and the server simulates the real bullet with the damage but first send others clients info tho make the visual bullet? all with remotesEvents?

Thank you so much for this, had this issue and was trying to find a way to fix it.


GOT QUESTIONS, HAVE A PROBLEM? PLEASE DM ME INSTEAD: https://blackshibe.github.io/

i had the same problem, it turned out on my guns fell into the void and got deleted.
how were you able to get it animated on equip and unequip?
edit: sorry about the bump,