Wrong error when logging into devforum with an account without verified email

1.Oh okay I will be on this account only
2.And no I didn’t want to “Inflate my stats” and yes i know that is against the forum rules

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Hey @Mikixxx0 sorry for the inconvenience! A different error is meant to show up that explains you need a verified email to continue to the forum. Due to a code issue the wrong error appears to be showing up which I can see is very confusing. I will file a ticket internally and ask someone to look into it.

Moved category of the post and retitled it to reflect the issue. Thanks for posting this!


Thanks @Hooksmith for the information! Yes I was very confused when I saw this error.

Just heard from my team member that this should be resolved now, you will instead see this more descriptive error with a link to guide you on how to resolve the issue:

This report also made us realize there are some other cases where this happened (more specific error overridden with generic error) which are also resolved. Thanks again for posting about this!


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