Wrongful Moderation On The Forum (Spam)

I would like better moderation, and more features to tell that you got moderated.

Today, as of 5/14/2024 I was moderated wrongfully for:

" Hey there,

Your post was flagged by the community as spam. The Developer Forum is a professional environment for our developers. For this reason, we ask that you only post when you have something significant to add, rather than just posting something short that doesn’t really add to the topic. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Please read over the following:

Every reply must be meaningful, contributive, and on-topic. Do not re-post what others have already said, do not post memes or single-word posts such as “First!” or “bump”, and put effort into your posts. Use the Like button instead of replying “Thanks!” or other generic sentences. When replying to multiple posts, reply to all of them within one post instead of making an individual post for each response. Do not bump topics and do not post duplicate topics either.

Your Post:
(My Message)
Hey! Sorry this is random, but I can FINALLY chat on the forum. Oh my god! Super excited, but I’ll check this out in a minute. First message!!
(My Message)

If you wish to appeal this action, please reach out to Roblox Support under Moderation > Appeal Account or Content dropdown menu with a link to this message. For more information on flagging posts and how it works, please read this topic."

As a Roblox forum user, it is currently too hard to say stuff without getting moderated at times.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because I wouldn’t have to deal with wrongful moderation.

I understand it can be interpreted that I was saying I was the first message, even if I was, I was trying to say that this is my FIRST MESSAGE on the forum.

Also, I want more notification as I said when you are moderated. If it is your first time getting moderated you won’t know what the green number means.

Can someone tell me what to do if I can do anything?

As per what the Feedback PM says, you can appeal via Roblox Support.

“Roblox Support is unreliable!!!1!11!”

Whether that’s true or not, they are still your best shot as its the official and encouraged way to appeal the action.

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Good idea, although the thing is I don’t wanna go ahead and contact moderation all over a single little warning.
I also just wanted to post this here, so I can see if I am alone here.

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I mean, they’re not wrong. Is this your full message? Is this a reply to a topic or even worse, a full on topic? This is considered as spam since, if every user that joined would create a topic/reply saying that this is their first message on the forum, it would obviously flood all the topics. Call me a boomer but the forum isn’t supposed to be “chatty”, except for #development-discussion

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This was a reply to a topic, and it is also my full message.

That would be considered off-topic aswell, but what was the topic about? More important, was it in the Dev-Discuss category?

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Let me check… I’ll edit this when I figure it out, be right back!

Edit:Semi-Realistic Tornado
This is a Community Resource post.

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Yeah that is definitely considered to be off-topic. I completely understand your enthusiasm on how you are finally able to chat on the DevForum :wink:, but your reply wasn’t relevant to the original post. That is why it got taken down.


Yep, can see why it got flagged, that is for the full reply you posted. My opinion is you were in the wrong for this one, but I’m impressed you called it out. And, for introduction topics, I recommend the official one.

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It is understandable, but I also just want in general for there to be more alert when you get moderated.

@SomeFedoraGuy What impressed you? I don’t understand, it is just a normal post I feel like.

I was impressed that you wanted to publicly ask on what went wrong. Not a good reason for everybody


I thought most people would haha, maybe I am just special.

This post will be locked, thanks for replying everyone.

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