Xenon Streaming Engine - an alternative to StreamingEnabled

It is supposed to, its only supposed to stream in parts in a player’s radius (set in the configuration).

that’s why I keep getting spawnkilled…

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Did you put the baseplate(s) in the Xenon folder?

yes, every parts in workspace…

Make sure that only the parts YOU WANT Xenon to stream are in the Xenon folder. It should default to not streaming locked parts so baseplates shouldn’t be affected, but you shouldn’t have baseplates in the Xenon folder to begin with.

Normally my list for what to not put in a streaming folder goes like this:

  • SpawnLocations
  • Baseplates
  • “Landmark” structures (models that always need loaded)

Xenon will remove all the parts in the Xenon folder and move them to ServerStorage, where they will stay until someone gets close enough to them to render them. If a lot of parts are “disappearing”, try upping the RenderDistance in the configuration.

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You saw the message so you can fix it. Why should I create an issue on a platform that I don’t use? Isn’t this why the Post exists? To give feedback and report bugs?

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As of right now, Xenon doesn’t support any type of instance that has a connection, whether that be a constraint or something else. Eventually, one of the connections will be unstreamed, it will be set to nil, and your constraint will break.

I’m experimenting with Xenon moving parts rather then copying them which could not only fix your constraint problem but also allow streaming unanchored parts.


Hi are you planning to update this?

Ik I’m not part of the convo but why are putting lol after every sentence

What is ServerScriptStorage, exactly?

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it’s in the explorer panel.
dont mind this its the limit


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If you click the link it sends you to the ServiceScriptService, it’s probably a typo

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Correct, thanks for pointing that out.

I’ve been rather busy with school recently and haven’t been paying much attention to Roblox projects. If you have any problems with the current version or feature requests then I will gladly plan on implementing them when I get the time.

Just a quick question, from a quick overview, do you think Culling Service V2 performs better then Xenon?

From what I can see, yes. Xenon is currently server-sided (as I never had time to move it to the client), and also doesn’t actually cull anything. It loads entire regions based on only your position where it seems like Culling Service bases it on position AND orientation.

Depending on how optimized Culling Service’s code is (+ real world scenarios) then results may vary, but I would say it’s probably much more performant then Xenon at the moment.

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local function registerPart(part: Instance)
	local x, y, z = math.floor(part.Position.X), math.floor(part.Position.Y), math.floor(part.Position.Z)
	createPartStructure(x, y, z)
	part.Parent = Parts[x][y][z]

Line 64-68

Theres an error above
“Key position not found in class instance”
and also this

Not sure about the key position error but the mismatch error is happening because you’re only passing three arguments when there’s 4 parameters.

I understand and I don’t want to screw around with this since I didnt make Xenon. So i’m not sure if Ill screw it up completely.
So not sure why it comes with a script error.

Just read the error with the arguments mismatch, the createPartStructure() requires X, Y and Z coordinates and a part instance ,try changing createPartStructure(x, y, z) to createPartStructure(x, y, z, part) .