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So for some reason stats suddenly don’t load up in spooked and I get this strange error message:

How on earth is a serverscript not aloud to use :SetAsync() in it’s own game???
This happened just recently. I haven’t updated for a few games and it was working fine now this?

Line 9: (Win Handler)
w.Value = wins:GetAsync(plr.userId) or 0 – w is an int value and wins is a datastore

Line 40: (Market Handler)
coins.Value = plr.userId > 0 and coinstore:GetAsync(plr.userId) or 200 – coinstore is just defined as a datastore

This just happened to my game. Players are unable to start, because they are unable to load in - and some are starting to think my game is a scam. Hope this gets fixed soon…

Edit: was fixed. For my game, at least.