Your Experience With Streaming Enabled

With the recent change that established streaming enabled as a staple for future roblox games. I am wondering, what is your guy’s experience with streaming enabled?

My primary concern lies within its practically, especially for smaller maps (600x600 studs). Is the optimization streaming enabled offers inclusive of games that are under a thousand studs (or is it just a waste of energy for smaller maps)? How do you guys determine a good StreamingTargetRadius? For spectating, would it be jittery changing ReplicationFocus depending on the player’s demand (this question requires more context obviously… but a more general answer would be appreciated)?

Thank you!

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Not really, when memory is critical every MB counts to stop players from disconnecting or enjoying your experience. StreamingEnabled dynamically changes the streaming distance too so if a device is extremely low on memory, it will lower the render distance a lot which might not make the experience amazing, but something is better than nothing.

For me it’s just testing yourself which one is optimal. Find a distance which looks good and isn’t too impactful on player then set it as that. A hint is to set StreamingTargetRadius and StreamingTargetRadius to the same thing so streaming is for display what that distance looks like.

For me, I haven’t ran into any issues so far with ReplicationFocus but you should monitor spectating carefully for anything that’s out of the ordinary. I don’t know much about spectating systems with StreamingEnabled, so take with a grain of salt.

Overall, I think my experience with StreamingEnabled has been pretty positive even though I would like better controls to test and debug it to see what my experience looks like without doing hacks workaround. More specifically see how different distances look in Roblox Studio and being able to test what place may look like on a device with this set amount of memory.


some script went error , fps increased . and script error

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I never use StreamingEnabled and never will in my games.

Don’t follow my tracks though, I’d advise this type of usage:
-If you have a small map, you shouldn’t use StreamingEnabled
-If you have a small but detailed/laggy map, then use it
-If you have a big map, then use it, but be aware of scripts breaking due to parts being streamed out

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yea this is one thing that has prevented me from using it. I’d have to go through & refactor client-side code to accommodate streaming. Still wouldn’t hurt to try it out and see how much it breaks :rofl:

all things considered though, it would not be a bad idea later on to incorporate the change, but it is not a priority focus for early development