Your Garage! (Idea to a new game)

i love it! i especially like the building style you went with. its a bit cartoony, yet realistic. keep it up!

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A little spoiler for the first map


I guess this is Egypt
I like how the environment looks, the pyramids and everything else,
I suggest adding decoration mummies maybe in a part far from town,

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Yes, actually this is egypt but in my own version (I didn’t google since I don’t need it) and thank you for the suggestion

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I would add some more bumpy terrain. If I was driving that course, I would be a little bored here.


I just thought the same as you, only before I wasn’t sure if I did but I’ll try
Anything else you would like to see on the first map? :slight_smile:

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This looks amazing I like it! I hope you continue to work on this masterpiece

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I would love to see some heat blur, better lighting, less palm trees, more water, and more plants.

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I will take everything you said into account, however, not less palm trees, because without palm trees the map would look much more empty and simple than you think
and so far I have not tried another type of lighting but I will be experimenting

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It looks great. I would definitely play it.

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Also, can you change the name to “Your Garage”? “You Garage” isn’t grammatically correct.

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Yes, that had already been corrected long ago

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This looks epic!! I want to play this as soon as it comes out :smiley:

Sure! With more maps maybe in a few days

Message me the link to it when it comes out!

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Well, actually a good development path is missing, since until now I have the Garage (starting point) and where everything about the cars such as paint, gasoline, bodywork, cleaning, tires, engine etc will be controlled, so far I am doing Egypt, later I plan to add frozen tundras, jungles, more deserts, factories etc.


Can I see your lighting settings explorer/properties?

The lighting had been changed, so the current one is this,


That looks amazing! I like the look of the cars and the map is very beautiful!

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Looks beautiful! Very stunning and we’ll designed/detailed. Nice work!

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