Your purchase failed because something went wrong error

You’re not bad, maybe I’m being stupid. I don’t see in the code if you’ve waited though. Add a task.wait(3) at the top of the event inside.

If this isn’t working still then maybe just try doing this on a clean baseplate.

Where would the top of the event inside be? I’m too bad at this sorry

I went to the pass link and you haven’t published it to the marketplace yet so no one can buy it go to the pass page set a price and publish it to the marketplace

-- Rest of your code here as normal

Oh so she didn’t publish it. Rip.

But if it is for sale? I made it for sale. It’s on the game page store public, here’s the game page in case you wanna check
Super Easy Obby - Roblox

Well maybe you’re cursed. I guess.

Game Pass Icon - Roblox pass link I can’t buy it it isn’t for sale

that’s the image in the gui i think…

wait i see the issue you’re using the wrong gamepass id

Still didn’t work. I wonder why it isn’t working, the entire game is perfectly normal

here’s the right gamepass id try this: 800050561

I entered the same id you try to prompt the user with

OHHHH now it worked oh my god thank you so much!!!

Aye, I always come in clutch MangyDev, but you should still keep the pcall just in case because promptpurchase can fail sometimes.

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Thank you really much. And yes I’ll write this down to not forget. The thing is I now have another issue lol, I’ll open a new topic

That’s fine, it’s how we learn. Especially scripters, always have questions. That’s why scripters are usually paid the most, they’ve the hardest tasks.

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