Zeyan200_gotdeleted | Scripter (SEMI OPEN)

Hello, I’m Zeyan a Roblox Game Developer, I have been scripting on the platform for over 2 years now and am now starting to learn User Interface (UI). One project that im currently working on is Memes Tower Defense
The game has many features some complex others not. In Memes Tower Defense, I have put my skills as a Developer to use and created a game that is both entertaining and engaging.

Memes Tower Defense

Navigation bar (just the top bar)


Settings GUI is in the Summary Above!

My time zone is - BST. I am available during the day. My work hours are pretty open. I like to work during the day time.

Prices are negotiable, I accept per Project. My preferred payment method is Robux. Knowing that I have completed what you need, I do expect half of the Price payed upfront. If I do feel uncomfortable about your payments, I will let you know.

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via all of the following -

Discord: verva1n (Recommended!)
Twitter: @zeyan99645177
Talent Hub: https://create.roblox.com/talent/creators/3522931236


Hello, im a developer and i need you to do a commission for me, i need you to make a building system for my game, for exemple you can place blocks and all of that and delete them after that. If you can also do a good ui because im not that good at ui designing i will give you 1.3k robux for that is that okay?

That is ok but i would say just 650 is fine. Contact me on discord and we can continue, is it alright if i post the finished Product here?

No, pls send it to me in discord, my username is amineb10 but thank you very much for the -45%

Alright, Ill get started right away I’ve sent you a link to a ticket where I would like you to give as much information as you possibly can about the system you have asked for is that ok?

Is it the ticket called Commission?

No, it is called Request and in there is the create ticket button once that is pressed a ticket will be created called.

Ticket - amineb10

Okay lets finish this discussion on Discord.

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The button is abit big but other than that everything else is fine (for now, changes may be made.) Once the UI is finished ill add it to Showcases.

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Im still able to be hired reply to start a commission!

Howdy there! I’m looking for some developers to help out with my mascot horror game being in development im here for the comission i will need you to order to make some of the ui and gui stuff for my horror game i might give you 1000 robux till saturday i sended your friend request on discord i hope you are interested!

dis- heroicbloxiayt.

Alright i added your dis account as you know, sorry for the late response.

Commissions are opened again!

Char limit


Sent you a friend request on Dis, It’s a car game lots of UI and datastores, Etc…
All the designs are done they just need to be scripted and animated (1k ish for all, and Long Term if Possible)
Dis: darksplice

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I have updated the post, commissions are still closed.

Commissions are once again open.

I’ve sent a friend - realism112

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Commissions are once again closed.

Commissions are once again open!

I will be quite busy with various projects until around December. Until then commissions are closed.