ZindexBehaviour for plugins

Could I have a picture of the Hierarchy of the objects you’re having trouble with? (like all of them)

Yeah sure

Is this enough?

Ignore some other stuff like the ‘LineButtons’ frame etc, since it was unused
But the ‘Playground’ is where the drawing happens

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Since they’re all children and parents, the only ZIndex you need to set would be the strokes

Well, and the frames too, no?
Frames in the background will have lower ZIndex, frames on top need a higher Zindex

The ‘Strokes’ that i will now call ‘Outlines’ for better understanding, only need to be on top of the layer and under all of the paint

but when i tested, the paint was always on top, i could change the layers ZIndex so i saw that when lowering the index the layer went behind the other layer

but the paint never seemed to change with the layer, almost like it was global
my guess is that this is a plugin thing or a bug

let me record a quick video to show this better

A video would be most helpful (just use the record video button in the View tab)

Sorry, that didnt work, i will record using OBS and upload it to yt, hold on

By the way, It usually uploads to a little folder (hope your using windows) called Roblox under Videos

tried using that, but the recording was just a gray screen, but here it is

Wait, so I thought the video looked great! What’s wrong, am I blind?

this one i used OBS, the other one failed

robloxapp-20241101-2152439.wmv (28.7 KB)
here it is (the failed one)


Is this the video you sent me?

What is wrong with your plugin (is what I meant)
I didn’t mean the roblox recording, I meant the youtube video

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yes, it just recorded the 3d window

the video is here btw, for the plugin, the paint is always on top regardless of the layer ZIndex shown in the video (-1 for background etc)

Are you sure your script is accessing the number correctly, and setting it correctly?

i believe yes

connection is simply a ObjValue i made to easily find the correct canvas group with the textbutton in the ‘layers’ window
and the ‘SelectedLayer’ is the textbutton, not the actual layer in Playground

Improve simplicity by using variables
Umm… What is Connection.Value.ZIndex (how can a value have an zindex?)

That was alredy said, its an Obj directory

Textbutton is a button inside ‘layers’ for the layer settings and selecting the current layer to draw

Connection is a ObjValue that connects the button to the Playerground.LayersList
I prefer using connection, since each button has a different layer and i dont want to make a table for it

What is ‘Connection.Value’ go to then?

It would be most helpful to show your whole script, BUT don’t do that please. Keep your work safe (unless you want people to exploit it)

Connection.Value goes to WidgetContent.Playground.Layers.LayersF:FindFirstChild(PutLayerNameHere)
