ZonePlus v3.2.0 | Construct dynamic zones and effectively determine players and parts within their boundaries

Is there a way to give priority to zones? So if its higher, they will be activated before other zone thats at the same area.

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You will need to cache the zone and check if the player is in the priority 1 zone before or not.

Hello, what’s the optimal amount of zones recommended for performance? (client) because in my game i wanna have zones for each EggStand, and I was wondering if there is a recommended max limit number for zones.

Since i wanna check if player entered the Stand’s Hitbox then pop ui else pop ui off

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It would seem the model on the Roblox website returns a Bad Request.

can’t access the model, it says bad request


Either get it from the uncopylocked place, or get it from the creator marketplace

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Wow, this is amazing! This really helped me out on my first simulator game. Thank you so much :hearts: :hearts:

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constantly getting errors about calling a nil value
even made a completely fresh game and put in a simple script and still not working
anyone else getting this problem?

hey, so even though im calling the module from a local script, it seems to replicate to the server. is there a way to prevent this?

That’s not even a thing? Show your code and usage.

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It’s fine, I ended up just going a different path. Not sure why it was happening, probably something was replicated to the server.

Hi! How would I detect the exact name of the zone part that a player has entered inside a container? For example, I have a container with 10 safezones in it all named safezone1, safezone2, etc. I want “safezone7” to be printed out, but I can’t find any API for that.

Hey, you can get the parts the player is touching with:

local touchingZonesArray, touchingPartsDictionary = ZoneController.getTouchingZones(player)

The parts are within touchingPartsDictionary.

If you need to listen for players entering/exiting these parts, you would make every part into it’s own zone. Creating more zones adds minimal-to-no additional impact to performance.

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Wonderful, thank you for the insight was avoiding the solution you gave because I thought it would impact performance, great to know it doesn’t!

Is it possible to make .itemEntered/.itemExited fire on every part that enters the zone?
I can’t just use the .partEntered/.partExited events because the parts that I am looking for are achored parts that have a Light (any PointLight/SurfaceLight/SpotLight), and I can’t think of a way to reliably add tracking to every part I need.

Edit, some more info:
I’m trying to make road signs glow when you drive close them, currently each sign that is tagged with “retroreflectiveSign” will get a new zone, and in that zone I want to detect each part that enters and check if that part has lights.

for _,o in pairs(CLS:GetTagged('retroreflectiveSign')) do
	local newZone = ZONE.fromRegion(o.CFrame,,300,256))
	-- zone size is mainly for testing, will make a better one later
	local coro = nil
		print('part entered')
		local pol = part:FindFirstChildOfClass('PointLight')
		local sul = part:FindFirstChildOfClass('SurfaceLight')
		local spl = part:FindFirstChildOfClass('SpotLight')
		if part and (pol or sul or spl) then
			print('is light')
			coro = coroutine.create(TrackLight)
			coroutine.resume(coro, o, part, pol, sul, spl)

		print('part exited')
		local pol = part:FindFirstChildOfClass('PointLight')
		local sul = part:FindFirstChildOfClass('SurfaceLight')
		local spl = part:FindFirstChildOfClass('SpotLight')
		if part and (pol or sul or spl) then
			print('was light')

Do not use this module. A game I recently released depends on this heavily but it ended up breaking. The code is messy and does not account for errors. I had to fix many issues with it like players not being registered or detected. The regions sometimes failing to calculate causing the zone to break. I suggest to make your own using robloxs new blockcast/shapecast.

:trackItem should help you out here:

If you’re experiencing issues you’re welcome to share reproduction steps - even better submit modifications through Pull Requests via GitHub. This wrapper is actively used throughout many games which haven’t reported issues with player registration.

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I know about :trackItem, I’m asking if there’s a way to simply track every item that exists in the workspace. There no good way for me to start tracking what I need to detect because the models that the lights are connected to are constantly being spawned/despawned.

ZonePlus purposely doesn’t track all workspace objects (or provide a way) because this could become expensive for games with lots of instances.

Are you able to use CollectionService to tag all parts that have lights? You could then listen for when a part with lights is added to workspace then track it for all relevant zones.

I could explore making :trackPartsWithTag() a futute update to help with this.

Any plan for new update or maybe rewrite?