ZonePlus v3.2.0 | Construct dynamic zones and effectively determine players and parts within their boundaries

Scroll up about 10 posts…and the command to check what zone a player is in is there

Unfortunately there isnt an API/command to get an existing zone from a part.

if there is, please tell me.

After morphing into a custom character playerEntered wont work. any reason as to why?

The problem was that none of my custom rigs had a “Head” part, which the Tracker module actually needs here:

how would i count multiple parts as the same zone?

how would i also check what zone the player is entering in a localplayerexited function

Group the parts under the same folder.

Hello, I am having a problem with moving an item into a zone. I am using MoveTo(), moving by CFrame is not an option as I need collisions with all parts except the zone.

The zone’s CanCollide is false. When I don’t have the partEntered event in my script, the part can move inside of the zone, however, when I enable the partEntered event, the part clips to the top of the zone as if it had CanCollide set to true. What am I missing?

well everytime i die and im in a zone, i am never allowed in the zone ever again

Is there any way to add atmosphere effect for planets to be affected to player client only not all player clients whenever player go inside the planet it change from space atmosphere to planet atmosphere is it possible do that on Roblox?

In a client script, utilize localPlayerEntered and localPlayerExited to detect when a player enters/exits a zone then apply the respective atmosphere effects to the lighting.


thank you! I was still figuring it out since almost a year

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It perfect working for my upcoming project

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Elaborate more, and where is the script located at and what is the code used?

I’m making a fe2 fanmade game. This is the code I used for the flood “the code I showed was the code the topic showed.” I modified the code, and now everytime someone dies, they are never allowed on the zone ever again. If you want more information, look at my most recent topic: ZonePlus v3.2.0 Not Working After Death

I have a problem with zone but I want to change clock or time with tweening but somehow it throw me a error…

is there way to get around fix that?

I’m having the same issue for more than one week until now…

Need you to show code and where it’s located at.

Need to show code as well as you may not be doing it correctly.

This script is used for hitbox. (probably not the best idea, but just fits in my case.)
Whenever a projectile is throwed this script is enabled, and first time just works fine, but whenever I die, resetting or not, the script just dies, and doesn’t outputs anything.

local Projectile = script.Parent
local Visual = game.ReplicatedStorage.ToolsSettings.StinkGranade
local Settings = game.ReplicatedStorage.ToolsSettings.Mine

local Tween = game:GetService("TweenService")
local ZonePlus = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Zone)

local Owner = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Owner").Value

local Survivor = game.Teams.Survivors
local Frog = game.Teams.Frogs
local Players = game.Players

local PlayersInHitbox = {}

local TouchedGround = false
local AlreadyUsed = false
local HitOutline
local HitBox
local HitNew
local IsAdd = false

local ItemInfo = {

	-- Sons
	GroundSFX = "rbxassetid://379275626",
	DamageSFX = "rbxassetid://2648568095",
	LaughSFX = "rbxassetid://5445066989"

function FirstTouched(t)
	if IsAdd == false then
		IsAdd = true
	HitBox = Visual.Visual.BoxHit:Clone()
	HitBox.Parent = Projectile
	HitBox.Anchored = true
	HitBox.Position = Projectile.Position
	HitBox.Smoke.Enabled = true	
	HitBox.Size =, 5, 5)	
	local VisualScript = Visual.Visual.Visual:Clone(); VisualScript.Parent = HitBox; VisualScript.Enabled = true
	Tween:Create(HitBox,, Enum.EasingStyle.Exponential, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 0), { Size =, 30.029, 30.029) }):Play()	
	Projectile.Sounds.Break.TimePosition = 1.25
	Projectile.Anchored = true
	Projectile.Transparency = 1
	Projectile.Content.Transparency = 1
	Projectile.Tamp.Transparency = 1	
	Projectile.CanCollide = false
	Projectile.Content.CanCollide = false
	Projectile.Tamp.CanCollide = false


function EnteredHitBox(player)
	local Character = player
	local CurrentPlayer = player.Character
	PlayersInHitbox[player] = true
	while PlayersInHitbox[player] do
		if not PlayersInHitbox[player] then
		local Select = math.random(1, 2)
		local Cough = script.Cough:Clone()
		Cough.Parent = CurrentPlayer.PrimaryPart
		if Select == 1 then
		Cough.SoundId = "rbxassetid://6333150436"
		Cough.SoundId = "rbxassetid://6333150725"
		Cough.PlayOnRemove = true

function LeavedHitBox(player)
	local Character = player
	local CurrentPlayer = player.Character
	PlayersInHitbox[player] = nil

	FirstTouched() wait()
	HitNew =