★ Daily Quest UI ★ - Looking for feedback


Hi everyone, hope everyone’s doing fantastic! I’d like to ask you guys if there’s anything I can do to improve my UI. This is for a café game so I require specific themes.

The theme I’m going for:

  • Simplistic
  • Warm Colors
  • Café Style
  • User Friendliness



You should make a progressive bar, because for example the 0% is at the same level as the 50% bar. Except that, it looks great!

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The blue line is the progress bar, the UI isn’t scripted yet that’s why the last one isn’t in its place.

I know, I just said the 0% bar have the same progression as the 50% bar, and it looks strange.

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Looks great.
I think the green claim button text is a little difficult to read, maybe try making the green slightly darker or the text?

Good luck :slight_smile:

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I like it, nothing overexaggerated or messy, just clean and simple. Makes it very readable. Great job!

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i think its will be so much better if you add coffee image with star with some things

like that

its small things but the (daily quest ui) its will be so good

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The top of the clipboard (that silver part) should be a bit higher and so should the text.