《/SCPF\》 Armed Containment Area 108 - FE Development Contributions

Special Containment Procedures Foundation

This post and the topics linked in it are associated with the following group:
《/SCPF\》Special Containment Procedures Foundation

Armed Containment Area 108 - FE Credits:

The following thread is a hub of credits for the users or groups involved in development and creation of Armed Containment Area 108 - FE , do note not every possible contributor will be listed as there have been a large amount of contributors over the course of the facilities lifespan within the three groups (Eltork/Jdog03200/CaptainBHH SCPFs) involved in its development.

Note: each developer/contributor is filed under the section for which trade they most actively contributed to, however some individuals worked on multiple areas of the site.

Original Creators:

Spector1337: Guest1337 - Roblox
Client_Replicated: JosephAndronikov - Roblox
Kellin: Kei - Roblox
Marioplaysgames: purseit - Roblox


(Jdog03200 SCPF) Jdog03200: RaguelLucifer - Roblox
bytechan: https://www.roblox.com/users/9302216/profile
(Jdog03200 SCPF) JamesBlossom: JamesBlossom - Roblox
(Jdog03200 SCPF) Serious_Business: SrsBsns - Roblox
(Jdog03200 SCPF) DesiredFlamingFire: DesiredFlamingFire - Roblox
(Jdog03200 SCPF) aj2958: aj2958 - Roblox
(Eltork SCPF) colbert2677: colbert2677 - Roblox
(Eltork SCPF) doser225: doser225 - Roblox
(Eltork SCPF) Xenophase: https://www.roblox.com/users/74163470/profile
(Civilous SCPF) RetributionVI: systemac - Roblox


(Jdog03200 SCPF) SenpaiZeus: Zeus - Roblox
(Jdog03200 SCPF) PlainfulMascar: PlainfulMascar - Roblox
(Jdog03200 SCPF) Rapt0r_Alfa: https://www.roblox.com/users/13807516/profile/
(Eltork SCPF) daniel4222: GunSmithDan - Roblox
(Eltork SCPF) NachoKat: NachoKat - Roblox

Other Fields:

(Eltork SCPF) ChromaticDeath (Audio Engineer): ChromaticDeath - Roblox
(Jdog03200 SCPF) Silvestrich (Multiple Additions): Silvestrich - Roblox
(Jdog03200 SCPF) AnastasiyaAndronikov (Multiple Additions): https://www.roblox.com/users/3786155/profile/
(Jdog03200 SCPF) CinnabonNinja (Graphic Designer): Jon - Roblox
(Jdog03200 SCPF) ArmedGaming (Graphic Designer) ArmedGaming - Roblox
(Jdog03200 SCPF) LonuxWolf (Graphic Designer): Lonux - Roblox
(Jdog03200 SCPF) Tina52 (Graphic Designer): RaiderWeaponEnjoyer - Roblox

Manufacturing Department: [/SCPF] Manufacturing Department - Roblox

+Various other unlisted contributors/inspirations

The following groups listed below have been approved and authorized to use the Facility known as “Area-108” by the original development team or the majority of said team, any other group using the facility is not authorized and is seen as stolen. Full Credit to the Original Creators as listed above.

Eltork’s SCP Foundation: [SCPF] Special Containment Procedures Foundation - Roblox
Jdog03200’s SCP Foundation: [/SCPF] Special Containment Procedures Foundation - Roblox
CaptainBHH’s SCP Foundation: 《/SCPF\》Special Containment Procedures Foundation - Roblox

Please send myself a message on Roblox, the DevForum or over Discord if you were a contributor and do not see your name on this list.