First of all, the code seems to be unreadable
Can you read this?
I recommend adding a StringValue to change the flag type so I don’t have to change a bunch of textures to replace the Taiwan flag
Leave him alone man, not cool.
He’s not trying to spread hate, he’s trying to give him suggestions.
Also @s131222 instead of making 10 invisible meshes why not just use Smartbone?
Man, stop being negative. Code looks bad but as long it works it works.
EDIT: Okay…the code might be looking kinda unoptimized. Guess you we’re right.
Atleast, aslong it works it’s fine anyway. Everybody’s first script is like this.
Being able to condense long scripts into short ones, while also improving the preformance and readability, is a great feeling to have. Don’t take that away from the OP! He should fix the code.
I’m not trying to be negative, Im just providing constructive criticism, do you know what it is?

Leave him alone man, not cool.
I’m not trying to be negative, Im just providing constructive criticism, do you know what it is?

He’s not trying to spread hate, he’s trying to give him suggestions.
Also @s131222 instead of making 10 invisible meshes why not just use Smartbone?
Thanks for saying this, I appreciate it
SmartBone is a cool idea, but he would need to do some meshing in blender
It can even help with this part of snippet