Affect of underscore names in game UI?

I am not sure what this user is saying exactly, other than there’s some effect he doesn’t like when a “bad” username with an underscore is being displayed in game. Is anyone else having a problem like this?

Think he got the message out well enough?

I’m not sure that’s an underscore issue. “suck” gets filtered by ROBLOX, and I think that’s the root of the problem. When the name label in the chat has its text set to the user’s name, I’m guessing the TextButton sees that it’s bad and sets it back to what it was previously (default of “Button”) and the same thing with the name in the leaderboard. Regarding the health, he might be referring to the healthbar that appears above the head of the character. The humanoid name might try to filter “Suck” and gets set to an empty string.

As I was typing this, I did some testing. Yes, if I try to set an NPC’s name to Suck_1, it gets set to an empty string. This isn’t an issue with underscores (setting it to “Lilly_S” works fine), but an issue with the profanity filter. The same thing happens with GUI buttons/labels – if I set their text to “Suck_1”, the change is ignored. The only reason this is becoming apparent now is because of the underscores causing the profanity filter to treat both sides as an independent word (i.e. Suck_1 gets filtered but Suck1 doesn’t). Username creation should probably be hooked up to the profanity filter – names like Suck_1 will have to be reported unless you can iterate through all of the accounts that had a name change ./ were created recently and apply the profanity filter to them.


Thanks for testing that. I think the problem is our in-game profanity filter is out of sync with the username creation and web chat filters. Fixing it is a client request, so I’m moving my post to that section.

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Also some people’s underscore shows up either behind or just as black in the core UI?

This was at the testing R15 place Sorcus just made. It only showed up as black in the leaderboard, everywhere else was fine.

Someone else posted this:



Underscore before an S causes the underscore to be darker.

This is definitely a bug in the client (I’m thinking probably something in the core scripts), and I’m taking a look.

Luckily I don’t think it’s anything too serious (hopefully nothing exploitable!) so expect the fix in the next client update.

This must be related, it’s good to see a definite answer and solution to it. Hopefully this is a high priority because “…people on v3rm found out about it and they’ve been abusing it.” which is probably why a lot of games are suddenly breaking/being broke

I’m not quite sure what’s telling me this but I think he’s trying to say that something is wrong with usernames? I don’t know.

It also seems to mess up placing people in teams on leaderboard too. I’ve got a bunch of reports about people not in correct teams on leaderboard but are on the team as their TeamColor. I assume it is related as it seems to happen when there is a bad name.

This is an effect of different whitelists/blacklists for words all across ROBLOX. There’s (obviously) a different blacklist for allowing usernames and when one of those usernames is used, it’ll screw with UIs - I don’t remember the username, but about 2 years ago I had a player come to my game whose username just broke it entirely. I think it was named c0nd0m or something similar. It broke the chat GUI, the leaderboard GUI, and a bunch of other scripts. Again, this is just going off of memory, so I’m not entirely sure he wasn’t exploiting, but when I asked him he said it was just because of his username.

The issue’s been found and as you can guess, involves bad word filtering. From testing it seems like it only affects users with underscores and borderline “bad” words in their name.

The fix is going out in the client release next week.
Let us know if you see any other game-breaking underscore/bad word filter madness.


can confirm this, captain_spideyrulz had this issue

Looks like the issue of “suck_” and “_suck” has been fixed, but “suck” on its own is still filtered by in-game GUIs.

Any chance “suck” could be removed from the in-game filter? Since it’s allowed by the web chat filter, FilterStringForPlayerAsync, and the username creation filter, it shouldn’t be blocked in-game.

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