Part size limitations removed

Can we get the ability to scale parts below 0.2 studs? I make a lot of weapons, and use MeshParts to make the separate parts (Handle, Guard, Pommel, Blade). Only, some of those parts often go below 0.2 studs as required size (E.G The blade is usually 0.1 or even less). This forces me to use SpecialMeshes and then use a ridiculously small scale. However this takes away the ability to use Materials, and is not at all responsive to its bounding box’s size.

previously I’d use unions and force it to go below 0.2 studs by manually inputting the size; or I’d use meshes and scale regular parts as I like. This work-around does not work for MeshParts.

Maybe this restriction could be removed on just MeshParts? When using meshes, I often use Scale, too. So it would be a good equivalent and so much more useful.

So could we please have the limitation removed?


Meshparts right now:
Union is on the left with size (0.08, 5, 0.49)
Meshpart is on the right with size (1.614, 14.475, 0.295)

This is how it should be:

• Can’t use Materials;
• Texturing happens differently;
• Physics (not for me, but this could be an issue for other people)


Not removed, as some (including me) use this limit to quickly resize to 0.2 studs.
IMO a boolean property to enable precise resizement would be more friendly.

Psst… switch the category to #feature-requests:studio-features

it’s a client feature


I guess a boolean would be useful, too. However if you need a precise size, you could manually input it. But I can see what you mean, a boolean would be good.

While I see the reason for backwards compability, I don’t believe adding API bloat is worth it. If you want to have your parts resized to 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, you should specify that from the start, and not rely on behavior that might change, and already does for things such as UnionOperations.

I’m all giving Parts, MeshParts, CornerWedgeParts, WedgeParts and even VehicleSeats (basically anything that is a BasePart except for trussparts - those could possibly also get it, but that might be trickier) the size limitation that UnionOperations have.


Well thing that’s tricky about UnionOperations; it scales uniformly. You may have a MeshPart where you only want to scale below 0.2 studs on only 1 axis.

Mhm, I agree on that

Is this reasonable to be done? It is literally impossible to make good-looking, realistically proportioned weapons and models with this 0.2 studs limitation (Except for Unions but that helps nothing). @zeuxcg @spotco

Wasted a week converting guns from unions to mesh… then they wouldn’t scale properly…this should have been a top priority when releasing the feature…

Exactly, it really is frustrating. I get that it works if you upload entire weapons with their own textures to do the colouring, but in my case, I upload weapon parts individually so that you can customize Blade/Axehead/Hammerhead, Handle/Grip, Guard and Pommel/End.

Currently you can do some hacks to get MeshPart’s size under .2, sadly however, it doesn’t save, as when I go to reopen the place it re-sizes the part to .2,.2,.2.

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The soft size limit on parts is annoying but understandable.
The hard size limit on MeshParts is pointless and nonconstructive. If you manage to get the size below 0.2 in the first place, you probably know what you’re doing.


A boolean property doesn’t really make sense – behavior of the studio tools should be configured via the tools themselves rather than instance properties, and it’s also API bloat as others have mentioned. A more appropriate solution is to set the resize tool’s min resize size to 0.2, and I believe this is already implemented (try scaling a union below 0.2 with the resize tool)

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Unions don’t resize below 0.2 studs either, unless you set it that way yourself.

Model resize plugins are useful when scaling unions under .2

Is physical accuracy really necessary for something that small? Can’t you just make it a FileMesh instead of a MeshPart?

It’s a physics system-related restriction and it’s being looked into.

MeshParts and SpecialMeshes aren’t feature-equivelant in more ways than physics. Materials are exclusive to MeshParts and decals apply differently (with one they’re treated as a UV map for the entire mesh, and the other molds the image to a single face)

Unions use the exact same physics but don’t have a size restriction – what’s different with MeshParts?

Like @EchoReaper mentions, physical accuracy is not the point here. It’s rather the materials and texturing.

So this restriction is going to be removed? It really is annoying to not be able to use MeshParts in my game because the restriction doesn’t allow me to scale it properly and as desired.