Places creating separate servers?

Hello, recently a group place I work on has been creating separate servers even though the other server has space.

I’ve checked the preferred amount of players compared to the max amount of players settings and they’re perfectly fine by the looks of things.

Max Players: 40
Preferred Amount: 35

Screenshot of what is happening:

Any way this can be resolved?



Have had this issue A LOT on several different places, even with only one player in each server, it’s getting very annoying


Happens all the time whenever my group goes to do events at other group’s forts. What should’ve been two or three servers will split into tens of servers, I’m not sure why, and it’s very much annoying.


Bump - still happening

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I’ve had this issue on Barrel Blast (Group Game). It’s very frustrating because the game gets more fun with more players.

This is really annoying… :confused: Especially since my game needs 2 players to start and they are just sitting there getting annoyed while there are other servers with space!


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