May 16, 2016, 6:13pm
There are 4 servers right now with one player in them. I pressed play and I joined one of them. Preferred players is 20, max players is 20. This is weird and I want it to not be happening.
Yeah, I reported this ages ago. Roblox still haven’t said or done anything as far as I know.
Hello, recently a group place I work on has been creating separate servers even though the other server has space.
I’ve checked the preferred amount of players compared to the max amount of players settings and they’re perfectly fine by the looks of things.
Max Players: 40
Preferred Amount: 35
Screenshot of what is happening:
Any way this can be resolved?
May 16, 2016, 8:28pm
happening in other games too. roblox pls
May 16, 2016, 8:30pm
Yeah I’ve noticed this happening in various games too.