[Reports] Toggle To Report People Who Already Left

Le format:
Username: TheNexusAvenger

“As a Roblox developer gamer, it is currently impossible to” report toxic players if they are to quickly leave after saying something to report. As much as I feel the report button ends up being useless, this would be a nice feature to have.


I believe you can report them on their profiles anyway.

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AFAIK the chat logs are lost if you do it that way.


You could report someone else in that server, and state the name of the user you really want to report, however I agree that this can be an issue.

Proposed solution: Add a right-click menu to chat, so for instance you can right click a message in chat to report it.


Please do not post use cases for this particular feature request. Profanity is not allowed in the public sections of the forums, despite being a proper use case in this situation.