Show Gamepass Ratings On Shop Tab

What we currently see (Game found here):

What I think it should be:

Reason: Not everyone looks at the description of a pass before buying, especially if the name or icon is obvious what it offers, so if everyone is reporting the pass doesn’t work, they won’t see the ratings to reflect that.


It seems very ugly. Maybe if they found a prettier way I’d support it, like warning the player if the pass is rated at less than 60% when they click buy.

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I just created the concept. I agree the bar is ugly. It may be more suitable to do it like the games page has its bars, but it is just an idea.

Yup. I agree with this idea on some level, though.

and ingame

I, would like this, but didn’t they say that gamepasses was depricated (not worked on anymore)
but they do work on dev products.

Deprecated*, and I never recall them saying this, nor is there anything on the wiki (as far as I know) that agrees with that statement.

oh well, i though they posted it here or on the old rbxdev forum, saying it’s stable now that they won’t add new things to it, just update it to keep it working. but i can’t find it eather.