I’m sure you’ve seen this plenty of times before if you’re a builder. This only seems to occur with Unions and the triangles start flying to some random point across the map. It’s thankfully a studio glitch but still quite distracting.
I’ve seen it happen with multiple unions in any game. I think it’s kind of funny but still, it’s a render bug. If anyone in Studio team finds a solution to this it would look nicer. However; it’s not really urgent and van be fixed by finding the corrupted union and selecting it.
I’ve experienced this too – a couple months back was the last time I encountered it. It’s not per-unionId because I had duplicate unions across the map, but only one of them (a tree) was exhibiting the behavior.
I’ve experienced this with simple meshes too, but it’d only occur after my laptop was woken from hibernating. Simply moving the offending parts seemed to fix them though.
I had this issue on my old desktop. Luckily I now have my fancy Alienware as replacement.
I reported it as well, but everyone thought it was on my end. Glad I’m not the only one!
Are the unions by any chance shooting off to the origin? (like, 0,0,0). If so I think this is because one of the geometry’s mesh data index positions is set to a vertex that doesn’t exist.
Yeah it seems like the issue is the triangles array of the mesh is referencing a vertex index that doesn’t exist. That’s easy to diagnose, I think that reproducing and finding this bug is what will be really hard to accomplish. You should post your system specs just as a starter.