User experience improvement: allow disabling auto graphics level or some better solution to the current setup

I’ve been testing mobile play on low end tablets in order to get a view of how the majority of players are experiencing games on roblox mobile.

I’ve discovered that on low end devices, when the graphics level changes due the auto graphics settings that is forced on mobile, it causes a significant FPS lag spike which lasts about 4 or 5 seconds at a time.

This is bad for user experience, and some sort of solution needs to be made for this.

Just to clarify: my game isn’t the problem. It is simply a baseplate with a volcano in the centre of it. The lag always occurs when the graphics quality is changing.


I want to force mobile players to quality level 1. There’s no reason to try to load high quality content when it’s being viewed on a 3 inch screen. I’d much rather have a consistently on-par-with-other-mobile-games experience.

That’s a lame way to go about things. My iPad Air 2 can handle my mall game much better than my iPad Air 1. I shouldn’t have to suffer just because the Air 1 isn’t as good as the Air 2.


What is an iPad Air 2? I’ve only ever heard of TouchEnabled. Without being able to detect how well the device can potentially run we can’t actually do anything about our games’ performance without fluctuating and hurting the experience.

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And that’s different from desktop… How?


I wan’t to reemphasise the importance of this. The quality change lag that occurs due to the automatic graphics being forced on mobile causes my players on lower end mobile devices to experience inconsistent, sluggish gameplay every time the game tries to changes the graphics setting (which is VERY often!).

Change it please.

Can you provide a link to a place where this is especially prevalent?