What are you working on currently? [2016]

Good luck with it, the original was great. Sorry I never made my redetailed version of it.

That video is strangely satisfying.

Whoa I was just thinking about that too. It would be so useful for FPS games

Personally, the old facility was poorly designed in terms of layout. The new one is going to be a bit closer to PBCC than the Innovation Labs, in terms of the core is at the center rather than the back.
The meltdown would be harder to code, but who cares. :stuck_out_tongue:

True, but the concept was good and so was the building for the time. I never was too happy with the rather linear nature of the labs layout either though, a facility constructed around a centeral area in such a way that the rooms all link up is a little more fun to explore.

It’s a great animation. The only thing that bothers me is that the speed of the crane along the rail is ABSOLUTELY INSANE for how heavy those things are.

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Only had 5 hours to work on this today, but here’s what I got done today. A lot of the time was spent debugging strange things like mouseclicks not registering and my studio corrupting.

Any ideas? I’m starting to run out _


What kind of ideas are you looking for?

Well for one, how to display a change of stats on the attachment. Currently it just says “+3 Damage” or something. Originally I just colored the icons underneath but those didn’t fit the black/white/transparent much, so I decided to keep them white.

How are you making the inner and outer circles spin in and out? I can figure out the spinny-selector thing. but not the initial spinning.

Really disappointed I can’t click like twice on that post. I love that GUI.

I’m pretty sure the circles are made out of multiple lines like this, because there’s no anti-aliasing on the circles like there would be if it was an image using some clever clipping tricks:

If you get enough segments in there it looks like a perfect circle, and then, when the circles are spinning in/out, he’s just shrinking those lines one by one until he gets the circle to where he wants. Currently if you try to make angled lines come smoothly together with GUIs, you’ll end up with weird results since ROBLOX locks GUIs to a pixel grid and sometimes the lines can’t snap smoothly together, but since you’re using a SurfaceGui, you’re able to make the CanvasSize really big to mitigate that. The gap will be so tiny that you can’t even see it.

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Removed the ears, looked too much like a dragon sadly. Also shortened the tail and straighten him up a little bit also added placeholder toes until I figure out how to model toes that’ll look good.

rawr fear me for i am a 3D model of a shark man rawr

EDIT: Decided to do a quick texture.

This has been a really fun project.


I think I will go forward with the redo of the Innovation Inc Uranium Refinery. Got this done with the 2 hours of class time I had.

Height isn’t done, there will be a massive shaft going up.


The animation is too slow

Candy Gram

You’ve created the real life @Sharksie

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Maybe I’ll make him into a melon when I’m done :wink:

@Sharksie, wut kind of a shark r u.

No real plans at this time. I’m mostly experimenting, but my current focus is on Networking Physics as my primary project.


Finally got over some hurdles and things have smoothed out with the suspension project.

Here are some videos of the progression:

Before you ask, the physics of the RWD and FWD cars are exactly the same, the only difference is that the steering wheels are powered instead of the rear ones.