/ɡɛʃ/ "geis-rbx" an open-source function benchmarker

github repo:


“oh, to optimize things that dont really need to be optimized”

IPA: /ɡɛʃ/ …is an idiosyncratic taboo, whether of obligation or prohibition, similar to being under a vow or curse, yet the observance of which can also bring power and blessings.

an extremely straightforward open-source function benchmarking project with a simple single-table interface

geis-rbx is a standalone repository used in the open-source Roblox place: /ɡɛʃ/ - Roblox


geis-rbx uses Jobs.luau, a single-table interface for simplicity and fast benchmarking, and is outlined by the JobTable luau type:

--- game/StarterGui/Geis/Jobs

export type JobTable = {
	Header: string; -- histogram header
	Work: { [string]: () -> () }; -- table of functions to benchmark {[Name]: fn}
	RefreshRate: number; -- histogram refresh rate
	Cycles: number; -- # of data points to draw the histogram

the linked game is a sandboxed version of the default Baseplate, stripped of unnecessary instances, default scripts, and settings that might skew benchmark results during runtime

within the Studio place is a Toolbox folder (game/ReplicatedStorage/Toolbox), which is meant to house developer-made instances for easy referencing/access should any benchmark require them

  • by default, the Toolbox contains a BasePart and R6/R15 rigs


  • functions are timed using os.clock() every RunService.RenderStep
  • times are stored in a first-in, first-out queue

  • results are represented as a histogram, partitioned by percentiles of 10
  • histogram intervals are represented in microseconds (μs)
  • the x-bounds of the histogram are defined as [0, max(functionTimes)]
  • the y-bounds of the histogram are defined as [0, max(functionFrequencies)]

example usage & result

because work functions are bound to RunService.RenderStep, benchmarking will only work in Play (F5) mode

---a JobTable benchmarking different ways to arrive at Vector3 (0, 0, 0)
	Header			= "99 ways to Vector3(0, 0, 0)";

	Work			= {
		["Vector3.zero"] = function()
			return Vector3.zero
		["Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)"] = function()
			return Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
		["Vector3.one - Vector3.one"] = function()
			return Vector3.one - Vector3.one

	RefreshRate		= 1 / 15;
	Cycles			= 5000;

What are the differences between this project and the Benchmarker plugin ?

there does not exist a universe where i pay 5 dollars for a function timer