“API Services rejected request with error (HTTP 403 (Forbidden))” Error

I know the cause of this problem is that if this occurs the game thinks i am not the owner of the place but what if i want to switch a game between two accounts, one where i publish my games and the other where i make them. I tried this but if i saved the file then published the account on the other account it would not allow me to load the datastore is there a way to get around this?

Was this in studio? This may be due to API services in studio being disabled in Game Settings.

i have enabled them in studio, yes

I found an articles on ScriptingHelpers with the exact same problem as the one you are currently experiencing. It is from two years ago, so I cannot confirm its validity.

they mention the problem occuring from the game being a collab game, however my game is a solo game on both accounts.

Oh, I must’ve misread. My apologies.

no worrys thanks for trying. .

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Your not alone, this has been happening to me for a while now. Is this happening from GetAsync?

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Sometimes studio is glitching out on the settings, i would recommend turning the API service on and off on roblox’s website and not on studio.

Just do these simple steps:
1) Disable Studio Access to API Services
2) Press save
3) Enable Studio Access to API Services
4) Press save again

If this wont help i can’t find any solution for your problem aswell…