Im currently working on a game where your a giant and you battle it out against other giants. I just recently added mobile support. I know the sounds are a bit funky im working on them.
This looks like a fun game. I have questions though.
- Is this your final map?
- Does it have a combat system against other players
- Is there any other side things or coins you can collect?
1.Im not sure if thats gonna be the final map as i am horrible at making maps.
Yes it does have a combat system against other player though it is kinda bad.
Im planning on adding abilities such as laser eyes which you can get from either gamepasses or in game currencies.
Your map doesn’t have to be horrible, it just has to be long and with lots of buildings just like a city. What do you mean by “bad” for the combat system? Also your last one is perfect. I would do the same, but is there anything else that you can buy or collect?
I added an npc which you can fight for the in game currency ( I haven’t decided the name for the currency yet. lol.) the npc roams the map looking for victims. The combat system is just like kinda “rough” as sometimes the hits don’t register. About the map, reloading the map is kinda laggy so im not sure if im going to make the map more bigger. Today I ran a local server with 5 people then my pc crashed trying to render all the buildings for each player. Im not planning to add any “collectibles”, but i am planning to add like an airdrop feature where random stuff drops from the sky and you can use the stuff to help you conquer the city. Also sometimes a random potion will appear which will give you a health and damage buff.
I mean like what else can you buy with your in-game currency? Some games do have rough fighting that doesn’t register but people usually don’t pay attention to it. I’m worried about the fact that reloading the map is buggy, but I have an example script that might help you
local debris = game:GetService("Debris") -- better than :Destroy()
for _, part in pairs(map:GetChildren()) do
debris:AddItem(part, 0.1)
Loading might take longer but it’s better than your whole game crashing.
Collectibles sounds like a good feature and the airdrop feature sounds cool. The game looks fun and I am looking forward to its development.
Thanks a lot for the feedback. I’ll be sure to implement them into my game.
Quick question how do I use this script. Im still learning how to use the debris service.
debris is just a fancy way of using :destroy(). I would use this in a server script. Also, somewhere in your code where it “restarts” your map, I would use this code to destroy every part and load a new map back in 1 by 1.
So i made a script to regen the map.
parent = game.Workspace
model =
save = model:clone()
local map =
local debris = game:GetService("Debris")
while true do
for _, part in pairs(map:GetChildren()) do
debris:AddItem(part, 0.5)
back = save:clone()
back.Parent = parent
it works but the objects are no longer breakable, which is problematic.
local debris = game:GetService("Debris")
while true do
for _, part in pairs( do
debris:AddItem(part, 0.5)
--// I don't know what back is but add it here and see what happens
My bad i sent you the wrong code.
here it is
parent = game.Workspace
model =
save = model:clone()
local map =
local debris = game:GetService("Debris")
while true do
for _, part in pairs(map:GetChildren()) do
debris:AddItem(part, 0.5)
model = save:clone()
model.Parent = parent
print("map reloaded successfully")
back = backup
its basically the same
I’m confused here, didn’t you just clone it in save?
I used a tutorial. I looked at the code for a bit and wondered the same thing. I thought it was there for a reason so i just kept it. Im a beginner at scripting so you cant blame me.
It also doesnt seem to work without it. Im just confused as you are
I think I get it now. Is it still refusing to let you destroy things? I will update tomorrow about it.
Ok thanks while im waiting for you i’ll add the airdrop, laser eye, etc
I’d recommend adding more structures for players to destroy. Also, you should add a leaderboard tab where the player gets point for every part they break, instead of just having deaths and kills. Maybe if you want remove deaths for the new tab. Game looks fun but, looks like there’s nothing to do after all the structures are destroyed.
I was already planning on doing a point per destroyed block thing.
Buildings are inconsistent, and it looks like all the models used are from 2012.