“The Great Sword Justice” Gear Not Standing Up Properly

Item: The Great Sword Justice - Roblox

The Issue:

Usually, Roblox swords are supposed to be held upright. Many of these swords are supposed to be stood upward. But when it comes to this gear, it lays flat in your hand instead of being held upright like a usual sword. Here is a comparison using the bugged item and a item without this issue.

Expected behavior

What should be happening: the sword being in a upright position.
If fixed, then the gear should be held in a proper position, (holding the sword up.) Then the sword would be upright and the issue would be fixed, which would make the item work properly.


This seems to be affecting a lot of items including the

And many more.


Oh wow!

I also noticed on the unofficial wiki page that the Great Sword Justice gear functions as a back accessory too, so it would be pretty neat to see that functionality return in the future.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you!

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