• Check out my newest GFX! Give me some Feedback!

:dizzy:How did you make it? How long it take?

I completed the project in approximately 2 days. There were arduous actions and severe perseverance, until the final result presented.

:space_invader:What applications do you use to make them?

I used Blender and Paint.Net to make them, so, as established, I used Blender to perform GFX, as a whole, and I used Cycles Render to perform the rendering, in the end, I used Paint.Net to perform graphic editions of the image, improvement of concepts.

:boom:What do you think about it?

Give me some Feedback about the GFX Work! Don’t forget to comment! Thanks! :v:

Happy Easter! :egg:


Love it! A really nice style. :slight_smile:

Happy Easter to you and everyone else too. :egg:


Very Nice GFX!

And Happy Easter to everyone. :rabbit:


Beautiful! But it should be a little more polished, but it’s nice !!

Happy Easter everyone! :rabbit2::dove:


Thanks to Everyone! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Happy Easter! :egg:

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That looks amazing! The blur on the unicorn looks a bit out of place but everything else is perfect, great job.

Happy Easter to everyone, as well! :egg::rabbit:


This is really cool! i like the grass.
But i think the tree and the treehouse behind are too bland while the grass being realistic.
Overall this is really great


Thanks for the tips! :v: :boom:

I like it alot, but why is there a rainbow on the floor?
I am just wondering but otherwise nice work :+1:

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That is just an effect! Thanks for the feedback! :v: :dizzy:

Hi, this is a really good work!

One thing, isn’t it a little too blurry? I mean, especially on the pets.

Anyways, it’s a really good GFX!
Happy Easter!


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Overall it looks amazing, just one thing. The unicorn looks a bit weird.
Happy Easter! :rabbit2: :egg:

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I really enjoy the rainbow that you added, also it’s really cute! Keep up the up the great work!

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a compressed dog and a blurry unicorn, but no easter bunny :sob: :persevere: