★ Creating Forest Feedback #2 {Skeletal Frenzy}

Part 2 of making a medieval forest for my first person melee combat game.
This is not yet finished at all, a lot of stuff should be added. I am looking for feedback and suggestions on what is already there at an early stage, to not have to redo everything at the end.


Video of How This Was Made:

The Game:
This is private for now, so you won’t be able to play yet, but the Alpha will be released very soon. You can click the favorite and follow buttons, to get notification in Roblox about it’s release. All the players during alpha testing will get a special badge, customization items and in-game currency.
Skeletal Frenzy - Roblox

P.S. Those who have seen my previous DevLogs about this game, know that it should have been released yesterday. The main carcass of the game with incredible combat system, 2 maps, monetization (not pay to win), customization, and many other things is already fully ready. However I postponed the release for maybe another week or less, because I don’t want to release a mid-quality game. I want to polish everything to perfection.


Compared to a forest, it looks more like a hill than a forest because there aren’t many trees and wild animals there.
also forest grass is supposed to be more ‘fresh’ than the usual plain grass

My bad, I should’ve mentioned map’s purpose. This is a first person melee combat game. This particular map is for a 2 team deathmatch, the idea is that 2 teams are going to charge each other from opposite hills. Most of the stuff seen in these screenshots is just for backgrounds to not look empty. All of the action is going to be at the plain part seen there. Of course the plain part is not gonna remain empty like that, for part 3 Im going to add some objects there too and modify the terrain.

What do you mean by that? What’s the difference between plain and fresh grass?

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that’s a whole difference

Here’s a close up of the grass. I think it looks a lot like your 2nd screenshot.

I feel like it would be cool if you could have archers go into the “forest” for a ambush strategy I don’t know if you have archers in game or not but its just a suggestion

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Good suggestion. There is an archer class in the game, I’ll think of some comfortable positions for them.

First of all the map looks really nice, I would love to battle other players in this map
A suggestion, you could probably add a few decorations in the plain section such as bushes, tall grasses, rocks etc
I think this would make your map look better and also making combats more interesting

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Most definitely, this post is just a very early stage of the map, it is like 30% ready now, I just decided to build it with the feedback of community. For part 3 I am planning to modify the plain section, and add some outflanking options for both teams.

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I see. I’m really excited to play the game with my friends! Good luck on your development :wink:

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this amazing graphics just lagged my computer
Jokes aside, pretty good! 10/10

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Thank You!!

xDDD, I know you’re joking, but anyway, the game is pretty optimized, some obbies use more memory and recourses than this.