I added a new Spartan class to my first person melee combat game. With it I also want to add the hystorical battle of Thermopyles. It is overall finished now, but somehow doesn’t feel complete and I’m stuck with no ideas on what to add.
Here’s the map:
Would like to hear your feedback and suggestions on couple of points:
What gamemode to put on this map? I thought of making it a point defence, where the persians (wooden fence side) has to capture Spartan base (behind the narrow cliffs). But then it would be incredibly hard for the persian team, because the narrow cliffs do actually give the defending team a huge advantage. So what other gamemode can I add and how to make the map more balanced?
Should I add something in the map to not make it look so empty, even tho in the movie it does look kind of empty? And if yes, what to add?
The Game:
We had an open test run on September 12, which went rather smoothly, but I decided to private the game and polish it more before full release, which is planned on September 19. You can add the game to your favorites and click the follow button, to be notified about its release. All the players within 1 week of Alpha release will get special bonuses (Free customization items, special badge, in-game currency).
The feel of the game is good. I would say the GUI’s could look better, but they are not bad how they are. The map is a little flat, and so are the walls. Try adding some texture and ground features for it to really stand out.
For a gamemode, you could just make it that whichever team gets the most kills wins. I agree that it seems like the Spartans have a huge advantage, bu you could offset the teams, where the Persians have more than the Spartans, giving it another realistic aspect to it. As long as that was properly balanced it would be perfect in my opinion.