☣️Looking for feedback on my zombie game☣️

Thank you for providing such an amazing list of feedback! Congratulations on achieving 1st place, and I sincerely appreciate the time you took to identify these bugs. It means a lot to me. :blush:

I’ll address these issues promptly. Your feedback and time has been valuable in helping me pinpoint and resolve these errors/bugs.


Timers added to the abilities that you mentioned and is now also in the live update, Thank you! :pray:


Thank you!
This has been fixed now in the newest update! :grinning:


Most of these have been fixed now in the newest update, Thank you again for this list of bugs it really open’s many doors for me to look into.

  • Turrets now award money and kills

  • Turrets are 1 time buy, then u gotta buy em again.

  • “Abilities staying in the map when game is done” - Still working on it :pray:

  • Rays not going trough particles is fixed (“Should be fixed :thinking:”)

  • Voting system seems to work alright, it stops you from voting once the time is up for voting. but i will look deeper into the problem here.

This is just to update you on the ideas and bugs you provided :grinning:


To fix rays not going through particles, you could turn off CanQuery on all the particles. (this is assuming you are using raycasting I haven’t played the game yet)


Thank you! :grinning:
Yes i am using raycasting, i will give this a try! :100:


Hey, Amazing!
This even fixed the gun issues where it had problems with hitting the zombies.

Thank you very much for this feedback!


Turrets count kills now, and the shop is decorated but not yet realeased! Thank you!


Some of these ideas have been made, but not yet realeased! Thank you so much! :grinning: :100:


You should make the zombies patrol around randomly if they are not near a player

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god bless reason 2 die for being the catalyst for these games


Hmm, interesting idea. Maybe instead of patrolling, I can have them approach from a different direction to surprise the player? :thinking:

Thank you for the good idea! :pray:

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You’re welcome. I hope your game improves, let me know when it’s fully released :wink:


You could add zombies “Names”, like “Speedy” [A fast zombie but low damage and hp]“Tank”[very slow zombie but alot hp and damage]… that stuff like TDS

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Thank you for the idea, i do have some special zombies, but they dont work so good right now.
i will write this up, Thank you!

Some updates have been made overtime, Peformance is something i will work with when i got time. if people can give more feedback on it right now it would help me out also. More about mobile support perhaps and performance.