⭐Star Sorority 2019 First Update!

The first update of 2019 is here for Star Sorority!

This update contains tons of new accessories, faces, and more!

It features…

:star: Tons of new Monster high themed accessories, including all of your favorite Monster High hairstyles!
(25+ New!)

:star: So many new Monster High, Bratz, & Barbie faces by Star Sororities artist, Caskyy!
(70+ New!)

:star: New 50s/60s Hairstyles & Accessories, including Updo’s, Cat Eye Sunglasses, & so much more!
(25+ New!)
(Ghoulia’s Glasses)

:star: Minor Bug fix, Nails should work as intended now!

:star: & so much more for you to check out!

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