[🟢OPEN] Cheap module maker

About Me

Hi there! I am offering my services as a modeler. I have been modeling on Roblox for about 2 years.


You can view my assets here: My Work - Roblox

Here are some screenshots of my work


I am available for 4+ hours of work per week. You can contact me any time.


Small model (1-50 parts): 100 Robux*
Medium model (51-115 parts): 250 Robux*
Large model (115+ parts): 500+ Robux* (Depends on what it is and how big it is)

*it will be 30% more if it is from purchase and not group funds.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum in a private message or the Talent Hub. You can also DM me on discord Ethan#6264.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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This is a nice portfolio; the models are a bit cheap-looking, though. But since you’ve been developing for only 3 months, I’d say that’s ok. But I would recommend having better work before you for hire. Good luck!

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