Information about and update log game the parallel universes

unviere:ringer_planet: the parallel universums|:busts_in_silhouette:Group

update log and information the paralel universums 🌌

Current version


Video by @Z_b79

Prof blocks has done an new investigation he made an portal to an Parel dimension but now he is lost

Go in the portal you go to an new dimension but it’s here you must build an fort to survive the war attack other Forts trough your visit more parallel words and get more materials to build

This game have we made for the connect 2023 challenge with the theme parallelism soon when the challenge ended you can play this we don’t update the game at the end until the winners are known

Set this topic on watching to get notified about new updates or changes.

credits 👥

Us team :busts_in_silhouette:



Owner left us team
Video editor :clapper:
Scripting hulp :scroll:


ui desinger🖼️
Builder :construction_worker_man:
Starter scripting :scroll:
Basic modeler :office:


owner left us team
Builders :construction_worker_man:
Basic modelers :office:


Scripting :scroll:
Modeler :office:


Modelers :office:
Ui desinger :framed_picture:





In the future come there In the game a menu where you can seem wich assets who made in the game


:netherlands: @foodeggs7
:vietnam: @Z_b79


Us group join for future perks :busts_in_silhouette:

connect 2023 parallelism theme

We wil change the name maybe in the future

Png (3)

Groups from us

happy games studio,s

Join the group happy games studio,s and be happy



Group from @0Shank
LipeMiner Grupo - Roblox


Happy games studio,s

X (twitter)🐦


annoucements 📢

events 🗓️

changes in the parallel universes

new functions


:red_circle: New functions
Story part in sunny desert :sun_with_face:
New icoons
tp screens a portal :radio_button:
Grids in sunny desert :sun_with_face:
All new ui done
loading screen beter version
update log🛠️

your feedback

Give here your feedback

Thanks @syndicate292 @0Shank @BritishSparkle @gamekingzuilichem @frad6575 and @Z_b79 for made this game

© Unviere 2024

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annoucements 📢

updating game (archived)

We cannot update the game for a few weeks after lounce because we made it for the Game jam from connect 2023 (we may update us game)

premium functions

Premium users will get some decorations what the unlimited can use if you ended your membership maybe you may hold the decorations you placed but I speak that with my team

events 🗓️

event name

changes in the parallel universes

level system

we will add an level system then you must be higher level to use more blocks

be attacked by creatures

change in Plan from game atack other Forts will be an extra thing you will now be attacked by creatures from the dimension you be in

new ui

There come new ui with a new topbar and by default the old Till the release from the new Roblox topbar you can enable us new topbar in the new settings also if you click on button it close the menu that was opened

August 2023 update log🛠️

Version date information dimension 2023-08-06T11:00:00Z the game be lounced :rocket:with the following function:
Building system🔨 with an building mode where you can rotate parts or remove them sunny desert :sun_with_face:
Guis for the level system and inventory sunny desert :sun_with_face: , the great plain
An second dimension the sunny desert sunny desert :sun_with_face: 2023-08-07T17:00:00Z add an menu where you can find credits and later we make it beter then you can click on us profiles to see which asset who has made sunny desert :sun_with_face: , the great plain
Loading screen in desert you fall into an portal so an dummy rotate in the portal in the future you seen your character sunny desert :sun_with_face:
Shifts to sprint in desert and an mobile sprint button sunny desert :sun_with_face:
Houses in main world🏡 the great plain
Fix ui position bug sunny desert :sun_with_face: , the great plain 2023-08-19T18:00:00Z models like houses and bridges and trees in main world the great plain
Ad billboards in the future we do more ads and you can buy ads for 24 hours the great plain
More icoons not text more the great plain, sunny desert :sun_with_face:
Settings⚙️ two possibilities you can chose two buttons possibles normal icoons left in list and an button to show more buttons and calopase (common) calopase the buttons two possibles buttons and extra buttons you can calopase it so you can beter click on buttons and you can calopase the buttons for more space sunny desert :sun_with_face:
Loading screen version 2 now two loading screens pre and normal in the future we update it the great plain
Shop you can in the future buy here passes mods (more info soon) and coins and cash sunny desert :sun_with_face:
Menu version 2 you can soon leave the game trough the menu in the future an player list and an news menu where you can read things about the game and groups and beter credits everyone have a card with his roles and you can in the future click it to open an page with his assets for the game the great plain, sunny desert :sun_with_face: 2023-08-20T15:00:00Z loading screen version 3 it’s fine now there a bar that grow a label wit % and a tekst loading there come a did you know trough the loading and after some time you can skip the loading screen the great plain
Added by credit an translator tab by everyones card the great plain, sunny desert :sun_with_face: 2023-08-21T18:30:00Z made a teleport system come on the end of the map teleport you to the other side in main world the great plain
Made rivers in mountains in main world the great plain
Made a beach in main world :beach_umbrella: the great plain 2023-08-22T19:00:00Z ad billboards the great plain
Fix teleport system the great plain

first month the parallel universes

Hi there players :wave: I’m @foodeggs7 be there to tell you a summary from this first Mount from the parallel universes the game is now in alpha but we will half October be in beta then the building system and attack system will be work I hope the level system too @0Shank will made this systems and with cristmass we will made an cristmass dimensions more info soon and I and me team has fun with the connect 2023 game challenge and made this game then will I thank @BritishSparkle and @Z_b79 for there cooperation Unfortunately they leave us team but I hope they return next year with connect


We made the map in main world with mountains and a beach also an teleport system watch teleport you to the other side and made the first dimension the sunny desert and started made the building system also alot done for the ui system so in setting a choice between the icons showing

what’s next

We made an dizzy :video_game: server for the community soon we busy with build it link will under the game here cannot trough the Dev forum rules

And we will build a website where you will find us games and can get in touch with us and response bugs

That was all follow us for more and follow us game for future updates and we also updating the game

Happy playing

September 2023 update log🛠️

Version date information dimension 2023-09-02T17:00:00Z new buttons option top bar buttons read more in the announcement down below the sunny desert :sun_with_face: 2023-09-09T17:00:00Z topbar version 2 stats on topbar it calopase if you open the more menu and player info if you click your profile picture it opens info your username and display name shows on it if you open more menu it calopase the player info then you cannot click to open it close expand it video from it in anoucemen the sunny desert :sun_with_face: 2023-09-16T17:44:00Z topbar version 3 settings for the new top bar customize the ninedotsframe style and select a button for the more menu select the gear wheel on the right side from the top bar buttons button :sun_with_face: sunny desert 2023-09-17T17:31:00Z topbar version 4 made us custom chat button :speech_balloon:work with massage counter and toggle chat and button fill if chat is open :sun_with_face: sunny desert 2023-09-23T17:26:00Z story/tutorial (version 1 )made the start from it made the first pop ups the great plain
Set all ui from sunny desert in main game the great plain 2023-09-29T17:55:00Z tutorial/story (version 2) made NPC talk :left_speech_bubble:system half later all NPCs you meet sall follow you the great plain 2023-09-30T19:55:00Z new NPC in the story in the mountains (story version 3) the great plain
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new buttons beta

Hi there :wave: players today I announce you with a new place for buttons. Recently have Roblox announced that they will the core Gui topbarapp (top bar where you find the Roblox menu) change so it’s for developers time to change his interface so I do that

what means it

Select top bar buttons in the settings to enable it

Right the menu for Roblox buttons and left the Roblox menu and three buttons left it chat build mode and button to get more buttons then you seen this

By the nine dots you seen all buttons it’s only so the old Roblox menu is over the buttons but that’s the old chat this until the new Roblox menu is life


Select the gear wheel on the right side from the top bar buttons button to customize the ninedotsframe style and select an button you will use in more menu

what’s next

We will in the future set this as the default button style

second mount the parallel universes

Hi there :wave:t2: players I’m here to announce a summary from September we hope to go in beta in November but it can be in December I have now a team with new members and we go heard to build the best game

This mount Roblox come with an new top bar a bets and she go change the place from the chat button but this mount I send @0Shank have made us own custom chat button with massage count and toggle chat

I start with made the story/tutorial go check it out also left us your feedback

Further I will name us new Dev team members a big welcome to us team

Sincerely @foodeggs7

October 2023 update log🛠️

Version date information dimension 2023-10-07T17:50:00Z add Mr zb, Mr Bacon and Mr food to the story it’s almost done the great plain
Add new buildings a beach cafe and a shop 2023-10-08T10:00:00Z start from cellar part of the story, fixed the black screen by Mr food now it teleport you to the cellar The great plain 2023-10-14T18:30:00Z have done the story the great plain part the great plain 2023-10-15T17:05:00Z made some terain the great plain 2023-10-16T18:05:00Z made some new ui with a new color palette the great plain 2023-10-17T17:06:00Z made Gui and ui for the party system and have now ui for all menus the great plain 2023-10-21T17:31:00Z made the settings ui and the level menu ui (new) the great plain 2023-10-22T10:00:00Z made the start from the new shop ui the great plain 2023-10-28T17:40:00Z almost all ui done and a new topbar only the NPC dialogues and the nine dots also there come a topbar in the old style by default you can in the settings enable the new topbar till the public release from the new Roblox topbar the great plain 2023-10-29T18:40:00Z all ui done (only the NPC dialogues not ) an option in settings to enable the new topbar by default it is the topbar from Roblox now till the public release from the new Roblox topbar the great plain

upcoming ui change

Hi there :wave:t2: we will change the ui with a new pallet and the paralelogram menus change with smaller sides and recolored we maybe change it that if you navigate in menus it change the colours so it looks like you have different layers but we experiment with it

We will change the topbar it will be the default button style you seen here buttons the stats will be on the place from the leaderboard if you open the leaderboard it will show your stats above the leaderboard littler and in the topbar come place for the round system time etc

Also for the building ui we have a prototype

Made by @0Shank

Feedback here

thirth Mount the parallel universes (First quarter )

Hi there :wave:t2: today I announce the summary from the Mount October we go in beta in December

This mount we completed part 1 from the story the great plain part
We added some new buildings like a beach cafe in the great plain. We change the mountains into terain able as the ground. Then this mount we changed all ui for new beter ui with. Beter color palette only the NPC dialogues need to redesigned

what’s next

We go in beta next mount I will make a anoucement then able some team members will tell something

I will now each quarter make a summary with updates we trying to update only in the weekend if we in beta cuz we get more active users I hope then we don’t need to publish every single change

how will the beta work

From next mount you can sent us your feedback and report bugs trough a report app on a tablet. I will explain it in a later announcements

November 2023 update log🛠️

Version date information dimension 2023-11-04T18:50:00Z all ui done and all NPC dialogues the great plain
Buttons left with background now the great plain
Story part in sunny desert (not fully completed here) :sun_with_face: the sunny desert
Grids in sunny desert :sun_with_face: sunny desert 2023-11-05T11:00:00Z tp screen in sunny desert a portal it disappear :sun_with_face: sunny desert
Change the buttons left with a background :sun_with_face: sunny desert 2023-11-12T12:15:00Z fixed a little bug with the story where it not go further and worked on tablet what will lounce later also the building system by @0Shank is almost done more about it later the great plain 2023-11-18T18:00:00Z new function a tablet more information down :point_down: here all dimensions 2023-11-19T18:00:00Z story part sunny desert sunny desert :sun_with_face: 2023-11-26T18:46:00Z story part sunny desert almost complete and made a short video what you watch where profblocks explain you things sunny desert :sun_with_face:

Give your feedback on the feedback treat

December 2023 update log🛠️ (the last update log from this year lol )

Hopefully in beta before Christmas
Version date information dimension 2023-12-02T18:03:00Z story in sunny desert done sunny desert :sun_with_face: 2023-12-10T18:37:00Z fixed bug with playing video sunny desert :sun_with_face:

January 2024 update log🛠️

This year the beta release will be the test program starts on [date=2024-01-21 timezone="Europe/Amsterdam"] join the group and react to a chance to be a tester in the FP beta program
Version date information dimension 2024-01-06T18:00:00Z fixed bug with tablet can’t close if you watched the video sunny desert :sun_with_face: 2024-01-13T18:37:00Z new (sci-fi) ui in sunny desert buttons and settings and stats done sunny desert :sun_with_face:

may 2024 update log🛠️

Hopefully the beta release will be in the summer the test program is started we lock the game I have hard worker last mounts on the new ui but it's failed but I have last week made new ui what looks good and we make it packages to sync between the whole paralleized universum check out my website to come in the beta program links are not allowed here so look in my profile for it
Version date information dimension/package (whole game) 2024-05-01T18:30:00Z made some new uis and some console support admin place 2024-05-04T17:37:00Z new (sci-fi) ui full console support and menu done ui package 2024-05-25T18:00:00Z two frames done in settings ui package

almost a year in development

Hi there the parralel universes paraleleized engineers is now almost a year in development and we really hope to release the beta in the summer for now only testers have access to the game
And we found a name for our studio now unviere


For now only testers can acces the game in July @0Shank our scripter will be available he’s already busy with the building system I hope in August be in beta


This topic will with the beta release move to @ParallelismTheme s account he will update the update log on my and @0Shank s account you will get announcements here on #bulletin-board we also will make topics in #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback so you can give feedback it topics all can be accessed from the new update log make sure to watch the new update log for updates from there you can go to all other topics related to our game


We search for employees you are interested go to my website trough my profile to apply I may not place links here so go to my profile or email me on foodeggs7 @ gmail. com


Our game now run trough packages to sync between all paraleleized unvieres I show you a video here

Main menu ui made by @0Shank the two above buttons and the tp menu made by my



story displays



We ask for your feedback trough this polls

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  • Good
  • Bad
  • Can be improved

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