[0.1] Jetstream — Videos on Roblox, Free and Simplified | (mp4 and GIFs on Roblox)

:rocket: Jetstream - Videos on Roblox, Free and Simplified

[:blue_book:Documentation] | [:file_folder: Source Code]

What is Jetstream?

Jetstream is a sophisticated command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to facilitate the creation of short videos on Roblox without relying on Roblox’s proprietary solution.

The tool operates by processing a video (or GIF) into a series of individual frames. Subsequently, it utilizes Roblox’s Cloud API to upload these frames to the platform and generates a script that can be played in game.

Why Jetstream?

Roblox videos at their current state are WAY too expensive and offer many limitations for most developers.

Having to spend 2,000 Robux for a short 30-second video or, most likely for many developers, a GIF, is discouraging for indie games because of its expense.

If you’d like to upload something longer than 30 seconds, it gets more expensive.


View examples on our documentation


To install Jetstream run the following pip command.

pip install --user jetstreamcli

(This will install it globally)

You will need a few other dependencies which can be found on our documentation.

Need help?

If you have any questions on how Jetstream or Flightpath works, please join the Discord!

Discord: :v: sudo labs

Made with :heart: by imacodr


Two hours ago and not even a single reply? Well, I’ve got one, a question in fact: Is this even allowed? I mean, clearly, Roblox has said limitations for obvious reasons. So wouldn’t this be against TOS, no? Technically going against their limitations here, right? Plus, they don’t agree with sharing faces, like for instance, on the Jetstream logo banner, and, with the AI moderation Roblox has, it might get triggered.

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haven’t read all the documentation yet but does this work on surface guis too?

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why wouldnt it? all it does is splice the video’s frames into seperate images and uploads them to roblox, they are just regular image ids


At its core, Jetstream simply uploads images as a user to Roblox using the Cloud API. Regarding sharing faces, the outcome varies based on experience. Some faces get flagged, while others don’t. When uploading to Roblox, their moderation system determines whether your images are allowed, similar to their proprietary Roblox videos. If your image does get moderated, the build will terminate to prevent further moderation.

Splicing frames has never been prohibited since they still undergo Roblox’s moderation. From personal experience, the GIFs in the banner didn’t get flagged, but again, the outcome depends on the content you upload so its at your own risk.

At the end of the day, Jetstream videos are just many images switching fast.

Yes! Once your video is imported into Roblox Studio you can use any image label with Flightpath (the Roblox side of Jetstream)

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0.1.3 Patch

Update Log

  • Bug Fixes


Fixed Example (Better example by ItsODRJR · Pull Request #3 · imacodr/Jetstream · GitHub)
F-String Fix (Fix for F-String syntax by ItsODRJR · Pull Request #2 · imacodr/Jetstream · GitHub)

Thank you @ItsODRJR for the contributions

Branding Update

New logo for Jetstream for a sleeker branding. I’m working on a few quality of life improvements as well as a Roblox plugin and website for Jetstream :eyes: