1 Hour lobby build review

I’ve made a small-ish lobby in around an hour to test myself, I’m wondering what could be improved and it’s price point. This is probarly not going to be sold and I’ve re-used some old assets of mine. When considering the price please do not account for the fact I use pre-made assets and it took an hour, thanks.


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Overall, 6.5/10. Price point: 500 - 800 ROBUX imo

I think the buildings are quite nice and everything seems of decent quality. But for a lobby, there isn’t really enough things to keep you interested as you waddle around waiting for the next match to start.

The low poly design is quite nice and works well but I did feel there was quite a lot of green everywhere. Not necessarily bad, but I still felt the lobby needed more things in it so the greenness wasn’t so much. There was also some parts clipping and glitching around, which 99% of players won’t mind or care about but is something to try and avoid.

To improve I would recommend filling up the space a bit more and adding more variation to the trees. For me personally I think lobbies should have the equivalent of knickknacks scattered around it or little Easter eggs. Perhaps a pond to fit in with all the green or some height variation so the lobby isn’t completely flat, just to liven things up a bit.


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It looks pretty good considering how long it took to produce. To improve it, I would add more varieties of the tree because right now there is only one type. Adding more details to the ground like rocks or a pond will improve the map too. But overall I would give it a 6/10. Just need some more details and variety really.

Thanks, to be honest I hadn’t though of adding a pond or Easter eggs.


It’s a start, but there isn’t much to really give feedback on because I feel like only putting an hour into something isn’t nearly enough time to really show where your skill level is at.

Dedicate more time into practicing before asking for feedback (or even asking for a price because that’s such a meaningless metric at this point in the process). I actually said to avoid doing this on a thread months ago:

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+9/10 graphics
+width to move: 5/10
+objects (plants, houses …): 8/10
+The sky: October 5
+error: 6.5 / 10
-Because the map is small and the house is quite empty, it will be difficult to make a game when buying so the price of 500-700 is the most reasonable. This is my personal opinion please don’t get angry .

Hahaah, don’t worry. I’d prefere people be honest. I agree with what you say.