1-player simulator gate help

I want to make a simulator gate, it works, BUT I want to make it unlocked for the person who unlocked it(just like how pet sim 99 has that working). The problem is that if the first person in the server unlocks it, it will be unlocked for everyone. Here’s my script if you need it, and any help is appreciated! This is a gate save script because I have saved the values such as the player’s area.

--local player = game.Players

	if player ~= nil then
		if player:WaitForChild("PlayerValues"):WaitForChild("Area").Value >= 2 then
		--script.Parent.Transparency = 1
		--script.Parent.CanCollide = false
		--game.Workspace.Map["1"].Door.Transparency = 1
		--game.Workspace.Map["1"].Door.CanCollide = false
		--game.Workspace.Map["1"].Door.SurfaceGui.AreaLabel.Visible = false
		--game.Workspace.Map["1"].Door.SurfaceGui.CoinImage.Visible = false
		--game.Workspace.Map["1"].Door.SurfaceGui.BuyButton.Visible = false

The script that unlocks it is by a GUI button that fires a remote event and here’s the script for it.

local ReplicatedStorage = game.ReplicatedStorage

	--if buyingPlayer.leaderstats.Coins.Value >= game.Workspace.Map[buyingPlayer:WaitForChild("buyingPlayerValues"):WaitForChild("Area").Value].Door.Cost.Value then
	--buyingPlayer.leaderstats.Coins.Value -= game.Workspace.Map[buyingPlayer:WaitForChild("buyingPlayerValues"):WaitForChild("Area").Value].Door.Cost.Value

And this is the script in ServerScriptService that does the thing when the script above activates the remote event.

--local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local ReplicatedStorage = game.ReplicatedStorage

	-- change the stat value
	buyingPlayer.leaderstats.Coins.Value -= game.Workspace.Map[buyingPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerValues"):WaitForChild("Area").Value].Door.Cost.Value
	-- any other changes could happen here as well, like rewarding the item they bought
	 --game.Workspace.Map[buyingPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerValues"):WaitForChild("Area").Value].Door.Transparency = 1
	 --game.Workspace.Map[buyingPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerValues"):WaitForChild("Area").Value].Door.CanCollide = false
	 --game.Workspace.Map[buyingPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerValues"):WaitForChild("Area").Value].Door.SurfaceGui.AreaLabel.Visible = false
	 --game.Workspace.Map[buyingPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerValues"):WaitForChild("Area").Value].Door.SurfaceGui.CoinImage.Visible = false
	 --game.Workspace.Map[buyingPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerValues"):WaitForChild("Area").Value].Door.SurfaceGui.BuyButton.Visible = false
	buyingPlayer.PlayerValues:WaitForChild("Area").Value += 1

Also, the reason I needed the “game.Players.LocalPlayer” is because I tried to see if it works. Since it didn’t, I didn’t remove it because I might need it later.

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You need to create a local script in starter player scripts then fetch your player data there to unlock the gates

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That’ll help you understand it better

thanks! it works now and i know how to use the cilent

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