1 year anniversary GFX feedback

Hi everyone! Starting from next week will mark my first year of making GFX! To mark this awesome milestone, I made this GFX of my own avatar to highlight my progress in this timeframe. I’d like you to comment with your opinion as well as any suggestions on how to make it better :smiley:

Thanks for stopping by! I really hope you like this! :slight_smile:

BTW if you’d like me to make you a picture, stop by my discord or shoot me a PM


This looks amazing. You really outdone yourself and hope everyone else will agree :+1:

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Thank you so much! It really means a lot :smiley:

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No problem just excited to see this out in the open :grinning:

It is great! If i was to be super critical, I would say that the two ninjas in the air look a little hazy, so I would increase the saturation of them and decrease the brightness by a little. Other than that, it is great! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

Thank you so much for your input! On a second look, I can see they do need a bit more vibrance to it :sweat_smile: thank you for pointing that out

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No problem! This GFX is beautiful!
This has inspired me to make a 1- year anniversary GFX too lol although it is a little overdue for me…

You should go for it! I’d love to see it when you are done! You should be fine lol, it doesn’t have to be on the day :sweat_smile:

I Really appreciate it, man :smiley::smiley::smiley:

That is awesome, I really really like the look of that render keep up the good work!

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The work is awesome, also happy anniversary! You can try to add motion blur at two top characters, also try to use upscaling to make your texture smoother, for bump I also recommend you use colorramp node. Goodluck!

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Jut WOW! It looks great, super spectacular!

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It’ll look better if it looks more dramatic than it is now, and it looks kinda more of a joke if you add marking 1 year of enjoyment

The word enjoyment could be modified as development, that’ll make it more legit

Overall, i like the GFX render

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