Hi, I’m created a transfer money system in my game, but there’s problem. I tried to make 10% commission system, that gives you only 900 money if you pay 1000, but it gives 909.09090909…, because it divides value to 1.1 (or 1.10), so, how can I make a thing, that gives 2nd player exactly 900 money, not 909.090909…?
Can you provide the script? character limit
Perhaps change it to * 0.9
No, but it’s working like:
Player.leaderstats.Money.Value -= tonumber(Amount)
Other.leaderstats.Money.Value += tonumber(Amount) / 1.1
Dividing by 1.1 won’t give you 10%. Divide it by 10.
local commission = math.floor(originalAmountToAdd / 10)
I’ll test it when I start making new update
theres no need for that if you can just multiply it by 0.9 and automatically get 90 percent of the number
Either method would work. I used math.floor()
to get the answer if it was a decimal - alternatively math.round()
could work.
Thanks, but that’s not working
It still giving me 909.090909… amount. (Here’s the code):
local Players = game:GetService(“Players”)
local URL = “Secret”
local HttpService = game:GetService(“HttpService”)game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Player)
local splitMessage = string.split(Message, " ")if splitMessage[1] and string.lower(splitMessage[1]) == "/pay" then local Amount = tonumber(splitMessage[3]) or 0 if Players:FindFirstChild(splitMessage[2] or "") then local Other = Players:FindFirstChild(splitMessage[2] or "") if Player.Banned.Suspended.Value == false then if Other.Banned.Suspended.Value == false then if Other.Name == Player.Name then Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Text = "You can't transfer money to yourself!" Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = true wait(15) Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = false else if tonumber(Amount) >= 1000 then if Player.leaderstats.Money.Value >= tonumber(Amount) then if Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Main.Give.Visible == true then local Commission = math.floor(tonumber(Amount) / 10) Player.leaderstats.Money.Value -= tonumber(Amount) Other.leaderstats.Money.Value += tonumber(Amount) / Commission local Data = { ["embeds"] = { { title = "New transaction by player called "..Player.Name..":", description = "Player called "..Player.Name.." just successfully gaved "..tonumber(Amount).." money to player called "..Other.Name..". Money received with commision: "..tonumber(Amount) / Commission.." . Player's ballance: "..Player.leaderstats.Money.Value..". Receiver's ballance: "..Other.leaderstats.Money.Value.."." } } } Data = HttpService:JSONEncode(Data) HttpService:PostAsync(URL, Data) Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Text = "You successfully gaved "..tonumber(Amount).." money to player called "..splitMessage[2]..". Money count that player received (10% money cut): "..tonumber(Amount) / Commission.."." Other.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Text = "Player called "..Player.Name.." just gaved you "..tonumber(Amount).." money. Current ballance: "..Other.leaderstats.Money.Value..". Money received with 10% commission: "..tonumber(Amount) / Commission.."." Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Main.Give.Visible = false Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = true Other.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = true wait(15) Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Main.Give.Visible = true Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = false Other.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = false else Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = "Transaction was unsuccessful, try again in 15 seconds." Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = true wait(15) Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = false end else if Player.leaderstats.Money.Value <= tonumber(Amount) then Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Text = "You need "..tonumber(Amount) - Player.leaderstats.Money.Value.." more money to gave "..tonumber(Amount).." money to player called "..splitMessage[2].."!" Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = true wait(15) Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = false end end else if tonumber(Amount) <= 1000 then Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Text = "You can't gave "..tonumber(Amount)..", because it's less than 1000." Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = true wait(15) Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = false end end end else if Other.Banned.Suspended.Value == true then Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Text = "You tried to gave "..tonumber(Amount).." money to player called "..splitMessage[2]..", but their account has been suspended." Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = true wait(15) Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = false end end else if Player.Banned.Suspended.Value == true then local Commission = math.floor(tonumber(Amount) / 10) Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Text = "You tried to gave "..tonumber(Amount) / Commission.." money (10% money cut) to player called "..splitMessage[2]..", but your account has been suspended." Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = true wait(15) Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = false end end else Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Text = "Can't find player called "..splitMessage[2].." on this server." Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = true wait(15) Player.PlayerGui.TransferUI.Message.Visible = false end end
Would you want to subtract the commission from the amount?
Other.leaderstats.Money.Value += tonumber(Amount) - Commission
I don’t know how your code works, but in your example I think you could use something like this:
local commission = (amount / 10) * 10
Try applying the method where you multiply and divide the same numbers so its still equal to the same thing. This will make it round like how it works in a grid placement system.
I tried it, but if I try to gave other player 1000 money, it gaves 1 only
That’s strange lol, and Idk how to fix it
Should get 900 with:
local commission = math.floor(amount * 0.9)
You can add a print above that to see the amount and make sure the amount is 1000.
I don’t know how your game works but keep that method in mind because it is used for rounding.
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