[$100 - $125] Jedi Temple on Coruscant

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No offence but Im cringing at the prices. 100$ for an entire Jedi temple, especially a Coruscant. Definitely recommend raising pay as a dedicated, star wars fan that happens to be a builder will be disappointed at the price your offering ( as usually the best builders at a certain genre actually like the genre they build in/for) Hope you can find some people interested though!


Imo the job is underpaid, the scale and the number of things we have to build is not worth 100$ even if the detail is medium this will take more than 2 weeks if you are not specialized in the star wars genre, also, aint nobody got time to send emails, just let people send their portfolios here, if you like it THEN YOU send them friend request on discord


Also you say the job is underpaid, and you refer to emails as something that “nobody got time to do”, which is ironic because you’d hope that if you WERE paying them more they’d have the decency to write up a basic email?

I do not think you speak for the rest of the community, but I thoroughly appreciate your point.


May I ask if your referring to DEVELOPER FORUMS and Builders on the Forums? I’m getting the sort of ‘Vibe’ you may be referring to discord-based Communities like HD,Atlas and etc which I wont go to explain my viewpoints on that. And pricing wise, I would suggest 100-300$ as a good price, Robux wise this would probably cost 50-100k Robux so roughly 100-300$ should do.


Okay thanks, and I was referring to it in a general sense. Nothing specific.


You are just unnecessarily adding complexity with the email part, people can just send their portfolios here on the devforum, also I dont know who you are so why would I provide you with my email? You could distribute my email wherever you want and give it to whoever you want and also send spam messages. I am not saying you are a bad person, but nobody here has a reason to trust you as well as trust whoever else on this forum. This is mostly privacy concerns, I dont want to seem rude


You know that you can use a smurf Google gmail thing to communicate with him

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Hmmmm…interesting, price is good, for a medium…I might consider this. I have played your game before and I think I am a high level on it…

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So i have to waste my time making a new gmail instead of just sending my portfolio here? Whats the point of all this complexity

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I understand your point better now, apologies sometimes reading comments without understanding contextual intentions can lead to such altercations. Thanks for the clarification.


I understand what you mean. I would also prefer to provide my portfolio on the Roblox Developer Forum. Though you arguments doesn’t make any sense. For instance you say that it is way easier to provide the portfolio on the Roblox Developer Forum than writing an email and then suddenly you say you don’t want to provide your own email to someone you don’t know and I bet you have some gmail that you don’t use as your main email account. I get your point though

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Despite all the others saying the price in underpaid, I don’t Mind.
Im Interested Dm me on Discord: Hollow#3599

2 weeks worth of work for 100$ is still really bad.

I can compose music for you if you need. You don’t wanna get in trouble for using copyrighted music.

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